Search for calls
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Search for calls

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Article summary

Looking for calls with specific participants, in a particular deal stage, or associated with a certain account? Or maybe you want to know about calls in which a new presentation was shown, a trending topic came up, or reps handled questions particularly well.

To find the calls you're looking for, go to Conversations > Search and search using filters. Save filters to use them again, and set up alerts for when new calls match specific sets of filters.

Add and remove filters

By default, 5 filters are displayed when you open the search page:

  • Call participants

  • Account name

  • Words or phrases

  • Trackers

  • Call title

To add filters, reorder them, or remove them, click +Add filters at the bottom of the filters panel.

  • Add filters: Choose the filters you want to add, and click APPLY.

  • Reorder filters: Drag the filters into the order that you want, and click APPLY.

  • Remove filters: Click the x beside the filter name and click APPLY.

Choose from 100+ filters

The following filters are most commonly used to find calls in Gong.

Call participants

Search here for team members or customers who participated in the call. In the dropdown, you’ll find the names of team members in your company using Gong, and customers who participated in calls. If you select multiple people in this field, we’ll look for calls that have any of them, not all of them.

By default. you'll see calls that the participant hosted, attended or was invited to. To narrow down the search, click on the chevron beside Hosted, attended or invited and select any of the options below it:

  • Hosted: Team member who owns the call

  • Attended: Team member who joined the call

  • Invited: Team member who received a calendar invite to the call

    Search for several people on a call: Click the + beside this field to add additional Call participants fields. Enter a name here and you’ll search for calls that have BOTH the person selected in the first field, and the person selected in additional fields.

In the search results, the name of the call host is displayed, along with the number of call participants. Hover this row to see the names of all participants on the call.

Account name

Search according to the name of the customer, prospect, or lead, as set in your CRM.

Words or phrases

Search according to words or phrases said in the call. Advanced options for this field include:

  • Find exact phrases: Use quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, “what is your best price”

  • Find this OR that: Use | if you want to search for something OR something else.  For example: price | cost

Immediately under this field, narrow down your search even more by choosing results that:

  • Don’t contain the term

  • Contain related forms of the term

  • Were said by a specific party (your team, the customer, or anyone)

  • Were said during specific parts of a call (as part of a question, during specific parts of the call, in specific topics)

Want to search for several words or phrases? Click the + beside the field to add additional words and phrases search fields. Add a term here and you’ll search for calls that have BOTH the term added in the first field and those in the additional fields.


Trackers help you navigate to areas in your calls that are important to your company. Results are limited to the languages and filters defined in the tracker. So, for example, if the tracker is set up in French, it will only be applied to calls that take place in French.

Note: If you’d like to search for calls using a specific tracker but can’t find that tracker in the list you see here, contact your Gong admin.

Call title

Search for words in the call title. With this filter, you have these options:

  • Find exact phrases: Use quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, “what is your best price”?

  • Find this OR that: Use | if you want to search for something OR something else.  For example: weekly | daily

  • Find this AND that: Use + if you want to search for an AND condition. For example: price + cheapest will look for price AND cheapest.

  • Find this AND NOT that: Use + if you want to search for calls that do not contain a specific word. For example: daily + (-weekly) will find call titles that include daily and DO NOT include weekly.

Deal stage [During call]:

Search for a call according to the stage of the deal (opportunity) during the call, as defined in your CRM. The options here reflect what is set in your CRM. For example, discover, meeting, negotiation, and more. If you want to find calls that occurred at a different stage (now, for example) you can find the deal stage filter in the CRM/Deal section.


Search for calls according to when the call took place. Choose from predefined dates, like this quarter, this month or this week, or set a custom date range. 

Call duration

Use the slider to search for calls of a certain duration, anywhere up to 90 minutes.

More filters that help you find what you're looking for

In addition to the filters listed above, you've got 100+ filters that you can add via the + Add filters screen. These filters help you narrow in on the calls you're looking for according to interactions during the call, after-call collaboration, CRM filters and more.

Call categories

Search for calls according to the category defined by your company admin. For example, discovery stage, closed won, or negotiation. For more about call categories, see this.

Internal or external

Search for calls according to who was on them. Internal calls involve people in your company only. External calls include people outside of your company too.


Search for calls according to the language they were in. You can choose multiple languages in this filter. For example, search for calls in Spanish and English.

Web conference or telephony

Search for calls according to the platform they took place on. Web conference calls are made via online video conference platforms like Zoom or Google Meet. Telephony calls are made via voice-only dialer platforms like Salesloft or RingCentral.

  • If you’re looking for telephony calls, choose whether it was an outgoing call (for example, made by a sales rep) or an incoming call (for example, made by a customer to someone on your company’s customer success team).

Recording system

Search for calls according to the system that was used to record them. Choose from dozens of systems, including Amazon Chime, Outreach, Zendesk, and more.

Call outcome (manual)

Search for calls according to dispositions set manually, from those in your telephony system.

Call outcome (AI)

Search for calls according to the disposition set automatically by Gong AI.

Call purpose

Search for calls according to their purpose, as set in the telephony system. For example, search for introduction calls, support calls and more.


Search for calls according to the topics they were classified into. Topics are frequently mentioned subjects that are automatically identified in your calls. Learn more about topics.

CRM filters

These filters are based on fields imported from your CRM, so what you see depends on what your company is importing. This search doesn't support reference field types, so if you're importing these, you won't be able to search by them. If you don’t see fields you want to filter by here, contact your Gong admin. CRM fields are divided into four categories:

  • Account

  • Opportunity / Deal (depending on your CRM)

  • Contact

  • Lead

Talk ratio

Percentage of the call in which team members spoke. 


How often the conversation switched back and forth between team members and the customer.


How long team members waited, after customers spoke, before speaking .

Longest monologue

Duration of the longest team members’ speech.

Longest customer story

Duration of the customer’s longest story.

Number of host questions

Number of customer questions

Rate of host questions

How many questions were asked by the host, per hour.

Rate of customer questions

How many questions were asked by the customer, per hour.

Any webcam on

Based on what’s shown on the main screen. Webcam is not logged as on when the main screen is shared, shows the browser, or shows other people speaking. Use the slider to choose anywhere from 0 to 90 minutes. 

Host webcam on

Based on what’s shown on the main screen. Webcam is not logged as on when the main screen is shared, shows the browser, or shows other people speaking. Use the slider to choose anywhere from 0 to 90 minutes. 

Customer webcam on

Based on what’s shown on the main screen. Webcam is not logged as on when the main screen is shared, shows the browser, or shows other people speaking. Use the slider to choose anywhere from 0 to 90 minutes.

Slide title contains

Search for words or phrases in a slide title. Use quotation marks for exact matches and use | for an OR condition. 

Presentation shared

Length of time presentation was shared, based on what’s shown on the main screen. 

Web browser shared

Length of time a web browser was shared, based on what’s shown on the main screen.

Overall score

As set in the call scorecard. 

Scorecard name

According to the scorecards used to score them.

Number of comments

Based on the total number of comments in the call. In the results, you’ll only see comments you have permission to see.  

Text in comments

Search for words or phrases in the comments. Use quotation marks for exact matches. Use | for an OR condition. 

Hashtag in comments

Search according to hashtags in comments. Start typing and a list of the hashtags used by your org will automatically be populated in the field.

Comment posted by

Search according to people in your org.

Save filter sets

Once you’ve added filters to the panel, they’ll be saved for the next time you go to search for a call. If you want to save specific ones for another use case, you can do this by saving a set of filters.

Finding calls: A few use cases

Here are some ideas on how you can use the filters to find exactly the calls you’re looking for to meet your business objectives. Are you looking for:

A call that you owned?

In the Call participants field, select your own name and select the Hosted filter.

A call that someone on your team attended?

In the Call participants field, search by the team’s manager and choose “Anyone on so-and-so's team’. This will give you calls in which ANYONE on that team attended, including the manager.

A call that you AND your teammate attended?

In the Call participants field, select your own name and then click +. Another Participant field will open and you can enter your colleague’s name. Now, you’ll only surface calls in which both of you attended.

Calls in which a top performer successfully handled a specific objection?

You may want to find calls in which a top performer dealt with a specific type of objection that lead to a closed-won deal. In the call participants field, enter their name, in the trackers field, enter the objection type.

A call in which you remember a few words or phrases?

In the words or phrases field, enter the words or phrases you remember saying or hearing. Use quotation marks if you remember the exact phrase. If you remember who said the words or phrases, you can narrow this down here too.

A call that took place some time last quarter?

In the Date field, select the date, month, week, or quarter when the call took place. You can also enter a custom date range. For example, if you know the call took place just around the New Year, you can enter the relevant months.

Calls in which a specific term wasn’t mentioned?

You may want to find calls in which a certain term was not mentioned. For example, a new product feature, or a competitor. In the Words or phrases field, enter the word or phrase and then click the Results contain the term line below it. Select Results do not contain the term.

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