Add and manage call categories
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Add and manage call categories

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Article summary

Business admins can create and customize call categories to analyze statistics for different team members and teams. Categories can be based on various fields like CRM opportunity stages or specific teams. Categories can be added from the company settings page or the Team page in the Insights tab. Admins can add, rename, edit filters, and reorder categories to organize and analyze call data effectively.

Who can do this? Business admin

Where to go: Click Company settings > Customize analysis > Categories

Use categories to group specific types of calls so you can view and compare statistics for different team members and teams. Create categories based on any fields that are available in the Search page. For example, CRM opportunity stages, specific teams, and more.

Add a call category

There are two ways to add call categories: from your company settings page and from the Team page in the Insights tab.

From the company settings page

  1. Go to the Categories page and click +Add new category

  2. You'll be brought to the bottom of the category list, where your new category has a default name.

  3. Enter a new category name, one that will be meaningful to the people who'll be using the category.

  4. Click Add / edit filters to choose which calls you want to collect in the category.

From the Team stats page

  1. Click Insights > Team.

  2. Click on the category field in the top right corner to open the dropdown menu.

  3. Click +Add a category at the bottom of the menu.

  4. You'll be brought to the Categories page. Click +Add new category.

  5. You'll be brought to the bottom of the category list, where your new category has a default name.

  6. Enter a new category name, one that will be meaningful to the people who'll be using the category.

  7. Click + Add / edit filters to choose which calls you want to collect in the category.

Rename a category

  1. Go to the Categories page and hover the card of the category you want to rename.

  2. Click edit.png beside the category name and enter the new name. Click check_mark.png to save.

Edit category filters

  1. Go to the Categories page and hover the card of the category you want to edit.

  2. Click the Add / edit filters button and select the filters you want. Click Save.

Move a category

To change of the order in which categories appear on the Team page, re-order

  1. To change the order in which categories appear on the Team page, click Company settings > Customize analysis > Categories and hover the category card.

  2. Click Six__Dot_Icon.jpg and drag the category into the order that you want.

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