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To find and access company calls, go to Conversations > Search. At the top of the page is a chart representing all of your company's calls.
If you haven't applied any search filters, this chart reflects your company’s total number of calls.
Tip: If your company has multiple workspaces, you’ll see all calls for your specific workspace. Workspaces are set up and managed by your Gong admin. For more about workspaces, see this.
Click and drag your mouse on any area of the chart to zoom into a specific period of time.
Immediately above this chart is a button for uploading calls, and a menu with actions you can take on the calls, depending on your permissions.
Summary of filtered calls
Once you've applied filters to your calls, the chart at the top of the page reflects calls that match the filters.
So, for example, if you search for calls from specific team members using the Call participants field, the chart displays the calls that those team members participated in.
If you use the Words or phrases filter to find calls in which those team members used the word discount, the results will display how many of the calls that match the rest of the filters contain that word or phrase.
List of calls
Below the chart are all of the calls that match your search. Sort them by date, call duration or CRM fields. Each call is represented with a card that has the following information:
Call title
Call host and participants: Hover this row to see the names and titles of call participants
Duration of the call
Whether the call has been listened to
Whether the call has comments and how many of them it has
If the call is marked as private. If the call is marked as private, you'll see the call but you won't be able to access it
Calls associated with opportunities
If the calls is associated with an opportunity, details about the opportunity are displayed on the right side of the call card:
Account name
Deal name
Exit ARR impact amount: As set in the CRM
Deal stage during the call: As set in the CRM
Hover in the top right corner and click Listen later to add it to your Listen later list.
Click on the call card to open the related call page. For a detailed look at what you can do and see here, see this