Intro to search
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Intro to search

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Article summary

Search Gong for companies, accounts, calls, and more. Search within calls, and in any supported language, to hone in on what was said in a call. You can even search for concepts mentioned in a call.

  • The general search is located in the top navigation bar. Use it to search for customer accounts, calls with specific team members or customers, calls containing certain phrases, and so on. For more details on what you can search for here, see this.

  • To search for specific calls, go to Conversations > Search. From here, you can search for calls according to participants, deal stage, duration of call, account, trackers, and more. You have more than 100 filters to help you find exactly the calls you're looking for. For more, see Find a call.

  • Search within any call. For a specific call page, you can search for words or phrases said within the call via the search bar in the top left panel.

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