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What are the advantages of native Zoom recording?
The highest quality audio and video recording possible.
Uses Zoom’s customizable consent options, without the need for a separate consent flow. Zoom’s recording prompt plays privately for each participant.
Meeting participants see an on-screen “Recording” indication
The call host can control the recording to stop, start, and pause as needed
Bring public Zoom chat messages into Gong
Use Gong app for Zoom to make comments and collaborate during the call
No extra participant (Gong bot) in the meeting.
Are there any limitations when recording natively with Zoom?
Currently, there are 3 limitations:
You can’t ‘listen live’ while the call is taking place.
No option for “audio-only” recording.
No support for breakout rooms.
If we're using native Zoom to record calls, does this make Zoom a data processor?
Yes, Zoom is a processor of your data because they host/manage the conversations conducted through Zoom (regardless of whether you use native Zoom or our legacy Zoom integration). Gong’s role does not change in that we’re not handing over customer data to Zoom.
Will using native Zoom recording take up a lot of my Zoom storage space?
Typically, native Zoom recording does take up Zoom storage space. However, with Gong, we give you the option to automatically delete the recordings from Zoom after Gong retrieves them. Make sure the Delete recordings from Zoom once they are retrieved by Gong toggle is set to ON in the Zoom integration page.
What Zoom permissions does the connection need to grant to Gong?
Gong needs to determine meeting owners, update user recording settings, initiate and retrieve recordings, and sync user personal meeting links. Therefore, Gong requests the following permissions:
View and manage all user meetings
View and manage all user recordings
View all user information
View users information and manage users
View all users' Zoom Rooms information
How do users schedule and conduct meetings when native Zoom recording is enabled?
It’s simple! They can just schedule a Zoom meeting.
If your consent page is set to work with Zoom, have your team use the Zoom calendar add-on to schedule calls to ensure capturing explicit recording consent.
If you work on Google Chrome, we recommend people avoid using the Zoom Chrome extension which may interfere with cloud recording. Install and use the Zoom for Google Workspace add-on instead.
If using the Zoom Chrome extension (Zoom Schedule), the extension may remove recording for some meetings due to a setting no longer supported by the Zoom API. If using the extension is is unavoidable, you should change the extension settings so that the Meeting ID is automatically generated per meeting (In Zoom Schedule Options, make sure Meeting ID is set to Generate automatically). This creates unique meeting links, which are more secure anyway.
If I set this up, does it mean all Zoom calls get recorded in my org?
No. When Zoom recording is enabled, Gong initiates Zoom recording for meetings and retrieves the relevant recordings based on your org's business rules and privacy settings in Gong.
Enabling native Zoom recording
What does the process for enabling native Zoom recording entail?
Enable native Zoom recording in 3 simple steps:
Make sure that the Cloud recording and Automatic recording options are unlocked in your Zoom account settings.
Test the Zoom setup.
When the test is complete, check the test results: If the tests are marked in either green or yellow, you can enable Zoom recording. Red symbol indicates there was a problem. Click How to fix to find out how to resolve any issue and run the test again.
Enable Zoom recording.
Additional information here.
Why do I need to unlock cloud recording and automatic recording within Zoom if I only want Gong calls recorded?
This setting is necessary in order for Gong to grab all recordings. You do not need to toggle on cloud recording or even auto-record, but you need to unlock them to allow Gong to toggle them on for the relevant users and only for calls that should be recorded by Gong. If you only want to set up the native zoom recording for a subset of users and lock the cloud recording or automatic recording options for the rest, create a Group in Zoom.
Should the Zoom 'Automatic recording' be on or off?
We ask that you leave this setting unlocked so that we can turn it on for your recorded users.
Whether you leave this setting on or off is up to your needs:
ON mean ALL your calls are automatically recorded, but only calls that are determined by your recording policies to be brought into Gong are brough into Gong.
OFF means calls are not recorded automatically, but Gong turns this setting ON per meeting for calls determined by your recording policies to be brought into Gong.
What does the native Zoom recording setup test check for?
We validate that we can turn on cloud recording per user and for specific meetings, by testing the following:
That your recorded users in Gong are licensed Zoom users.
That we can update recording settings for licensed users.
That we can set a meeting to auto-record (by checking this for members who have upcoming meetings in Zoom).
Following the test, we’ll let you know whether Zoom recording can be enabled, and if there are still some users that we won’t be able to record using Zoom.
Will I still be able to enable native Zoom, even if we have warnings from the test?
Yes. You can enable native Zoom recording when one or more users are setup correctly in Zoom. The rest will be recorded by the Gong bot until they are set up correctly.
Why does the setup test say we don't have a Zoom Business or Enterprise account when we do?
If you have a Zoom Business or Enterprise account, but the test suggests that you do not, check the following:
In Zoom, go to your account settings, and turn on Cloud recording.
You can turn this setting off (but not lock it) after this check.
In the Advanced cloud recording settings, check whether you can see the Audio transcript setting.
If you can't see it, contact Zoom, and ask them to enable it for your organization.
In some cases, this setting is not enabled as part of the business or enterprise packages.
During native recording, Gong leverages the audio transcript's speaker timeline information, which is why having this setting is used as a marker in the test.
What happens if we have warnings pop-up when we enable native Zoom?
An email is sent to tech admins daily when there's something to report. It includes new Gong recorded users that are incompatible for native Zoom recording (either new to Gong, or didn't have a problem before), and a list of incompatible Zoom users that recorded Gong calls in the last day (resulting a bot recording). Currently these emails cannot be turned off.
When should I use a Zoom group?
Use a Zoom group when the settings required by Gong will not suit Zoom users not using Gong. E.g: If Zoom cloud recording is not allowed in the organization for non Gong users, a group can be created for non Gong users, locking cloud recording setting as disabled.
When native Zoom recording is enabled, what happens to the calls for users who couldn’t be set up correctly in Zoom?
We’ll still record meetings for users who cannot be recorded natively by Zoom. For these meetings, we add the Gong bot to their meetings, until they’re set up for native recording.
What happens once I enable native Zoom recording?
Business rules (setup via Gong Recording settings) own which meetings are recorded. Once native Zoom recording is enabled, the Tech Admin can send an explanation email to all recorded users from the Zoom settings page, or preview the email to review/personalize before sending manually to the team.
What if I want to set up native Zoom recording, but I don't want users to be recorded with it yet?
This is not officially supported. However, if Zoom settings are not compatible for all users (i.e. because cloud recording is locked), we continue to record with the bot.
If I have a team that schedules calls for sales reps, but they don’t join those calls, how do I set up the integration so that the sales reps have host rights and can still control the call recording?
Zoom has several options to allow adding an alternative hosts to meetings. Refer to the following Zoom articles for more details:
The organizer can also use the call host's personal meeting room link when setting up the meeting.
We changed our Zoom plan - do we need to do anything?
Yes. You should disable native Zoom recording and reconnect using the steps in this article. When reconnecting, you'll choose your new plan and retest the connection.
Switching to native Zoom recording
We just switched to native Zoom recording, what do I need to know?
When switching from Gong bot recording to native Zoom recording:
With Gong bot recording, your team used the Gong calendar add-on to schedule calls; with native Zoom recording, they should use the Zoom calendar add-on.
When switching over, don't forget to let them know that they should use the Zoom calendar add-on.
If you had the Gong consent page enabled, we recommended that you leave it on for a transition period to ensure any meeting invites that have a link to the Gong consent page will be recorded by the Gong bot.
When native Zoom recording is enabled, does the Gong bot still join calls?
For users set up without issues, the Gong bot won’t join their meetings.
However, in some cases, the Gong bot might join to ensure the meeting is recorded. For example:
When the host is not a licensed Zoom user, or a recorded Gong user, or is not set up for cloud recording in Zoom.
When one of your customers schedules a meeting, using their own link.
When a web conference provider other than Zoom is used.
When Gong cannot communicate with Zoom.
To ensure such meetings still capture consent, we recommend that you enable the Gong audio prompt.
What happens if I move from Zoom webinars to native Zoom recordings?
Your webinars will not be recorded if you move from Zoom webinars to native Zoom recordings.
Capturing recording consent
With native Zoom recording, how do participants give consent to be recorded?
By default, Zoom plays an audio prompt individually per person when they join a recorded call, regardless of how they join. Zoom also gives you the ability to enable and customize a consent-requesting popup message that appears when people enter the meeting.
For more information on the optional Zoom settings, go here.
Can we use the Gong consent page when we're set up for native Zoom recording?
Yes. You can also use the Gong consent page when your org is set up for native Zoom recording. Participants will access the call after going through the Gong consent page. They will also hear the native Zoom audio prompt and see the native Zoom recording disclaimer when they join.
In the event that a participant opts out of recording, the native Zoom recorder will stop and participants are notified.
Capturing Zoom chat
What exactly gets brought into Gong?
Gong brings in public messages made when recording was on for calls recorded by the native Zoom recorder.
How can we control capturing the Zoom chat?
Capture of the Zoom chat can be controlled by individuals for themselves, or by the Zoom admin as a company-wide setting or for specific user groups.
In Zoom, set the Save chat setting to OFF.
When setting this up company-wide or for specific user groups, we recommend locking this setting to prevent Gong from erroneously changing the setting when recording the call (by default, we try to turn this setting on to make sure the chat is not lost).
Using Gong for Zoom app
When can I use the Gong for Zoom app?
Gong app for Zoom is available for calls recorded with the native Zoom recorder and scheduled in advance.