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Sales ops analysts, enablement managers, and frontline managers can access advanced analytics by downloading call data in a CSV file from Conversations Search. They can customize the data by selecting specific categories such as CRM data, trackers data, topics data, and more. The downloaded file includes details like call title, date, time, language code, duration, word count, status, and participant information. Users can request the report to be sent via email, with information on call details, CRM lead details, trackers, topics, and more. The report generation time depends on the data volume.
Sales op analysts, enablement managers, frontline managers, and more can perform advanced analytics by downloading call data in a CSV file.
Go to Conversations > Search and filter calls according to your needs.
> Download call data. (Consult with your Gong admin if you don't see this option.)
In the confirmation message that appears, you'll see the filters that will be used for the report. Additionally, you can also choose what data you want to receive in the file and what data you want to leave out, according to the following categories: CRM data, trackers data, topics data, call host manager hierarchy, and participant data. Click Send report via email.
We'll prepare the report and send it to by email. This may take some time, depending on the amount of data that's in the report (for example, number of filtered calls, data included for each call).
What data is in the file?
Call title, date, and time.
Language: Represented as a three-letter code as defined by ISO-639-2/B. For example eng, fre, spa, ger, ita. The codes und (undetermined language) and zxx (not enough linguistic support for identification) are also used.
Word count
Status (completed or not)
Conferencing provider (for example, Zoom)
Internal or external
Direction (inbound or outbound)
Host details (name, email and title)
Manager hierarchy (names and email address of the host's managers)
Participant details (company, non-company, unclassified)
Number of invitees, attendees, speakers (company, non-company, total)
Time spoken (host, company, non-company, unaffiliated, unlabeled)
Number of questions asked (host, company, non-company, unaffiliated, unlabeled)
Screenshare details (browser, presentation shown, company webcam, non-company webcam)
Conversation details (talk ration, longest monologue, longest customer story, patience, interactivity)
CRM lead details (up to 3 associations): Company name, CRM ID, internal ID, status (at time of activity, now), name, email, title,
CRM account details (up to 3 associations): CRM ID, internal ID, name, deal data (up to 3 deals) name, CRM ID, internal ID, stage now, deal value now, stage closed now, stage won now
Trackers and smart trackers - number of occurrences
Topics mentioned (and for how long they were discussed)
Link to call
Whether the call is private