Retention dashboard recipe
  • 06 Oct 2024
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Retention dashboard recipe

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Article summary

Who’s this for: RevOps 
Where to go: Deals > Dashboards 
Who can do this: Individuals with permission to manage revenue analytics

Retention dashboards help your team members get a holistic sense of what's happened over the last week before attending forecast review meetings.

Who’s it for

Customer success teams and account managers.

What they’ll get

Customer retention and churn analysis. Customer success teams should use this dashboard to submit their weekly forecast numbers.

What you need

To build this dashboard, you’ll need the following:

  • Metrics:

    • Total up for renewal ($)

    • Total up for renewal (#)

    • Total retained ($)

    • Total churn ($)

    • Running churn rate (%)

  • 1 deal board

How to build it

To build the dashboard:

  1. Build 4 KPI widgets:

    1. Total up for renewal - Displays the value and number of deals that are up for renewal in the selected period.

      1. Base the widget on a single metric - Total up for renewal ($).

    2. Total retained to date - Displays the value and number of deals that were up for renewal in the selected period and were successfully renewed.

      1. Base the widget on a single metric, Total retained ($).

    3. Total churn to date - Displays the amount and number of churned renewals in the selected period. When monitored in conjunction with the Total up for renewal and Total retained to date widgets, RevOps and CS leaders can assess where their CS teams stand in terms of renewal progress.

      1. Base the widget on a single metric - Total churn.

    4. Running churn rate - Displays the percentage of current up-for-renewal deals that have churned.

      1. Base the widget on a single formula metric - Running churn rate (%).

  2. Build a custom chart - Weekly up-for-renewal opportunity by status. RevOps and CS leaders can use it to monitor how pacing looks throughout the quarter, whether there are any outstanding open renewals from previous weeks (slipped renewals), and the team's week-over-week capacity for processing outstanding renewals.

    1. Base the chart on Total up for renewal ($).

    2. Break down the data by week and status.

  3. Build 2 custom charts:

    1. Renewals by stage - Visualizes how renewal opportunities are pacing to close to identify any bottlenecks in the renewal process.

      1. Base the chart on Total up for renewal ($).

      2. Break down the data by stage.

    2. Renewals by forecast category - Visualizes how renewals are expected to close.

      1. Base the chart on Total up for renewal ($).

      2. Break down the data by forecast category.

  4. Build 3 deals widgets:

    1. Highest value deals up for renewal - Lists high-priority renewals.

    2. Highest value deals up for renewal with no power - Lists renewal opportunities that are at risk due to lack of decision-maker involvement.

    3. Open slipped renewals - Lists renewal opportunities whose renewal date has passed.

  5. Build a custom chart - Churn rate in the last 4 quarters widget - Visualizes churn trends.

    1. Base the chart on Churn rate (%).

    2. Break down the data by quarter.

  6. Build 2 custom charts:

  1. Renewals by CSM -

    1. Base the chart on Total up for renewal (#).

    2. Break down the data by stage.

  1. Renewals $ by CSM

    1. Base the chart on Total up for renewal ($).

    2. Break down the data by CSM.

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