Optimize how you study deals
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Optimize how you study deals

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Article summary

Who's this for? Account Executive

Ever wondered how Gong uses Gong? Our very own Tanner Robinson gives his recommendations on what to look at when you want to improve your knowledge on specific deals and how to manage your pipeline in general.

How to assess your pipeline

  1. Assess the touchpoints

    Find out what caught your prospect's attention before the opportunity was even created.

    Why did they show up? What were they looking to solve?

  2. Identify what they want

    A good way to find out what's important to your prospect is to look at their prospect calls and for long monologues in particular. It's really helpful to find out what clicked with them in particular or listen to their answer to a great question asked by the rep.

  3. Find out what happened, and how

    If your goal is to learn from the rep, a good place to start is by studying the activity timeline to identify interesting points, for example how the rep went about multi-threading.

  4. Learn how deals differ per segment

    Visit the deals of your colleagues working upmarket, and pay attention to how notions differ upmarket by segment, for example, how security is discussed in commercial vs midmarket sales.

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