Intro to the Activity feed
  • 05 Sep 2024
  • 1 minute read
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Intro to the Activity feed

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Article summary

Supporting effective deal management and pipeline reviews, meeting preps and follow-ups, the limitless Activity feed goes back as far as the very first interaction with a customer and forward to future meetings scheduled with them.

Accessible from the call page, Deal boards, and Engage, the Activity feed includes meetings and calls, email correspondence and invitations accepted, digital interactions such as emails clicked and opened, CRM updates, and text messages.

Make sense of the feed

The following conventions are used throughout the feed:

Activity type


Your side of the interaction

The customer side of the interaction

Meetings and calls

Email correspondence and invitations accepted

Emails clicked

Emails opened

CRM updates

Filter the feed

To focus on specific activity types, filter the feed to display all or some of the interaction types:

  1. From the top of the panel, click Add filter and select Activity type.

  2. Select the activity types you want to view and click Apply.

  3. To remove a filter, click X .

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