Flow to-dos
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Flow to-dos

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Article summary

Flow to-dos

Flow to-dos let you know when a flow step is due. They also keep you updated on flow events so you’ll be aware any time a contact or lead’s flow status changes.

You don’t have to be an opportunity owner to get these to-dos.

Flow steps

When a flow step is due for a contact or lead you're assigned to, you'll get a to-do. When creating a flow, you can choose the types of to-dos you want the flow to generate: emails, calls, LinkedIn connection requests and messages, and tasks. You can take action directly from the to-do. If a flow to-do is open for 30 days, it expires and the person is automatically removed from the flow.


When an email bounces due to a bad address (not due to temporary failure) for a contact or lead you're assigned to in a flow, we'll generate a to-do and pause their flow. From this to-do, you can update their email address and resume the flow. After 30 days, anyone who is still paused in a flow will be automatically removed from the flow.

If an email bounces, we:

  • Automatically mark the email address as invalid

  • Automatically pause the person's flow

  • Generate a to-do for the rep to replace the email address and send again

  • Automatically save that new email address for the contact or lead to prevent the next email from bouncing

If your auto emails are still being sent to email addresses that are marked as invalid in Gong, contact support

Meeting booked

When a meeting is booked with a contact or lead you're assigned to in a flow, we'll generate a to-do and pause their flow. After 30 days, anyone still paused in a flow will be automatically removed from the flow.


Unlike the Gong-generated Email follow-up to-do, the Response to-do is triggered by any reply from a prospect in a flow. When someone you're assigned to who is in a flow replies via email within 14 days, we'll generate a to-do and pause their flow. This does not include automated replies. Sending an email from the to-do or marking the to-do as complete will complete the to-do, but sending an email from your email provider will not. 

After 30 days, anyone still paused in a flow will be automatically removed from the flow.

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