Changing the consent page settings
  • 17 Jun 2024
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Changing the consent page settings

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Article summary

Who's this for? Tech admin

Read this article for a smooth transition when changing the consent page settings.

Change: From enabled to disabled

IMPLICATIONS: Links to the consent page in scheduled meetings will no longer work, meaning participants will not be able to join.

When you make this change, we'll send an email to all technical admins.


Update anyone with the assigned profile and / or meeting organizers that you're turning off the consent page, and that they should:

  1. Replace the links in scheduled meetings.

  2. Replace the links in scheduling tool events.

Change: From static link to dynamic link or let host decide

IMPLICATIONS: Static links to the consent page in scheduled meetings will no longer work, meaning participants will not be able to join.

When you make this change, we'll send an email to all technical admins.


We recommend that you initially change to 'let host decide' for a cross-over period which allows call hosts decide whether to keep static links or change to dynamic links.

Update anyone with the assigned profile and/or meeting organizers that you're making this change, and that they should:

  1. Replace the static links in scheduled meetings with dynamic links using the Gong calendar add-in.

  2. Replace the links in scheduling tool events.

Change: From unprotected static links to protected static links

IMPLICATIONS: Static links to the consent page in scheduled meetings will no longer work, meaning participants will not be able to join.

When you make this change, we'll send an email to anyone assigned this profile.


Update anyone with the assigned profile and/or meeting organizers that you're making this change, and that they should:

  1. Replace the static links in scheduled meetings with static links that include the token.

  2. Replace the links in scheduling tool events.

Change: From dynamic link or let host decide to static link

IMPLICATIONS: Nothing - the dynamic links will still work as long as you have an integration with the web conferencing provider.


  1. Update anyone with the assigned profile and / or meeting organizers that you're making this change.

  2. Make sure that you don't disconnect the integration with the web conferencing provider until after there are no more future meetings using dynamic links.

Change: Switch provider

IMPLICATIONS: This depends on your current and new web conferencing provider. Please reach out to Gong support for advice.


Review the latest information on the consent page for each provider in this article, and be aware of the differences in capabilities between both.

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