What's new in Gong for Salesforce
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What's new in Gong for Salesforce

Article summary

Version 2.31 introduced automatic call outcome export to Salesforce tasks, displaying Gong's call disposition in the Gong activity object. Version 2.30 added a new event flow to get Gong conversations as events in Salesforce, indicating primary accounts/opportunities for conversations. New data was made available in tasks, including associated accounts/opportunities. Version 2.29 included changes to flow status and a new flow to create contact roles. Version 2.28 added data to Conversation and Task objects. Version 2.27 focused on bug fixes and preventing overwriting entities. Version 2.26 extended logic capabilities and added new reports and dashboards. Version 2.24 enhanced CRM enrichment capabilities. Version 2.23 launched the Gong App on Salesforce App Exchange with security updates. Version 2.20 included insights integration, scorecard data in Salesforce, and removal of obsolete fields and inaccurate reports.

Version 2.31

The following changes were made:


    Automatic call outcome (AI) now exported to Salesforce tasks: Gong’s automatically generated call disposition is now displayed in the Gong activity object.


Version 2.30


The following changes were made:


    New event flow: You can now get Gong conversations as events by activating the new Gong for Salesforce - Create Event from Gong Conversation flow. The event includes the conversation subject, assign to, related to, description, start date/time, and end date/time details. The event flow is configured as follows:


    Indication of the primary account/opportunity for a conversation: The list of conversations displayed for accounts and opportunities now includes an indication of the primary account or opportunity for that conversation. This is useful when conversations include multiple accounts or opportunities. The Is Primary field has been added to the Conversations related list for the account or opportunity.


    New data available in the task: The following data is now available in the task object:


      Create one task for each activity: The task now includes fields to display the associated accounts and opportunities so that when a conversation is associated with multiple accounts/opportunities, we can create one task. The fields are:


        Associated Accounts, Text (255)


        Associated Opportunities, Text(255)


      New meeting data: To add context to meetings, you can now see whether a meeting was canceled and the number of times a meeting was postponed. The fields are:


        Meeting Canceled by Prospect, Text(255)


        # of Times Meeting Rescheduled, Number


    Trusted IP addresses added to Canvas app: You now no longer need to define Gong IP addresses in the Network Access section. The following Gong IP addresses were added to the Trusted IP Range for the OAuth Web Server flow:




Version 2.29


The following changes were made:


    Change to the flow status custom field: The flow status reflects the current status of the flow the contact is in. We changed the data type from text to picklist with the following options:






      Opted out






      Removed response


    If you have already manually created the Gong_Current_Flow_Status__c field, change the type to picklist.


    New flow to create contact roles: In order to simplify the process of defining contact roles for an opportunity, this flow identifies conversation participants who are also contacts in Salesforce and adds them to the contact role if there is a related opportunity. The Gong for Salesforce - Create contact role flow can be run along or it can be added to the Gong for Salesforce - Enrich Contacts and Leads flow as the final step when a contact is created. Learn more


Version 2.28


New data is now available in the Conversation and Task objects.


    Conversation object: Now includes the call brief and call highlight fields. This field is displayed automatically if you are installing Gong for Salesforce for the first time. If you are updating from a previous version, add the field to the Conversation object page layout.


    The following fields have been added to the following Gong objects:




        Actively Being in a Flow


        Current Flow ID


        Current Flow Name


        Current Flow Status


        Current Flow Step Number


        Current Flow Step Type


        Current Flow Task Due Date


        Current Flow User Name


        Flow Execution ID




        Actively Being in a Flow


        Current Flow ID


        Current Flow Name


        Current Flow Status


        Current Flow Step Number


        Current Flow Step Type


        Current Flow Task Due Date


        Current Flow User Name


        Flow Execution ID




        Canceled (Gong)


        Current Flow ID


        Current Flow Name


        Current Flow Step Number


        Flow Execution ID


        Gong Participants Emails


Version 2.27


This version includes bug fixes and settings relevant only if you have automated processes that overwrite entities such as a participant in the Gong conversation object.


    We've added the Gong API User (Salesforce Integration License) permission set, which uses the Salesforce Integration license. The user responsible for setting up the Gong <> Salesforce integration should have this permission set.


    You can now prevent Gong from overwriting child entities in the Gong conversation object as follows:


      In Salesforce, select Setup > Custom Code > Custom Settings.


      Click Manage next to Gong Custom Settings and click New.


      Select the conversation child entities you don't want Gong to update when a change is made to a call and click Save. The entities you can select include:




        related accounts


        related contacts


        related leads


        related opportunities


Version 2.26


In this version, we've extended the logic capabilities to enrich opportunities with more information. We've also added new reports and dashboards which provide details on whether your team are successfully engaging with potential opportunities.


To extend the logic capabilities, we've added the following flow templates:


    Gong for Salesforce - Update Main Competitors: Use or customize this template so that when competitors defined in a tracker are mentioned in a call, the competitor is added to the Main Competitors field in the opportunity.




    Gong for Salesforce - Update Participant Contact Role: Use or customize this template to add the contact role details for participants in calls associated with a primary opportunity.


In addition we've added the following:


    See how you're engaging with your different opportunities: We've added the Gong Email Activity dashboard, which displays a variety of data on the email contact you have with your various opportunities, such as, the number of emails sent to each opportunity, whether you haven't emailed a contact for a while, and how many different opportunities you have emailed. This dashboard only has data if you import your emails to Salesforce. Learn more.




    The Gong Email Activity dashboard uses the following new reports:


    Report Name




    Email Activity per Contacts in Account


    Displays the number of emails each contact in an account received over the last 30 days.


    Email Activity per Opportunity Size


    Are you engaging correctly with your opportunities? This report displays the emails sent for opportunities closing at the end of the following month


    Email Activity per Rep


    Displays the number of emails sent by each rep.


    Number of Opportunities Rep Engaged In


    Displays the number of opportunities each rep was involved in, in the last 30 days.


    Most Emailed Contacts - Top 20


    Displays a list of contacts and the number of emails they received, sorted highest to lowest.


    Opportunities without Email Activities


    Displays a list of opportunities where the most recent email was sent more than 30 days ago.


    Choose from more question types in scorecards: Tailor scorecard questions to your coaching style. You can set your own custom numerical ranges between 0 and 10, use single or multiple selectors, plus open-ended and yes/no questions. Learn more


Version 2.24


This version provides you with a range of enrichment capabilities in your CRM, which can help you create or update leads and contacts in your organization.


    You can now push non-CRM participants, that is participants that were not identified as contacts or leads, into Salesforce. A participant who is not a user, lead or contact is tagged as Unknown in the Participant Type column.




    You can now push Gong’s Participant Title to display the title that appears in the participant’s email correspondence.


    You can now use Lightning Flow Builder to enrich your CRM with either new contacts or leads, or update the titles of existing contacts and leads.


For more info, see Enrich your Gong for Salesforce data.


To learn how to upgrade to v2.24, go here.


Version 2.23


We’ve officially launched the Gong App on Salesforce App Exchange!


This version includes some security updates and bug fixes.


To learn how to upgrade to v2.23, go here. You need to install a patch before upgrading.


Version 2.20



To learn how to upgrade to v2.20, go here.



Dig into Gong insights without leaving Salesforce


See the Gong Account page in Salesforce.




Go here for more details.



Scorecard data is now sent to Salesforce


Located in the Conversation’s Content tab. The data includes the scorecard name, questions and all answers, and who was scored.


Learn how to get set up following upgrade: here.




In order to push historical scorecard data (i.e., scorecards filled for older calls) into Salesforce, contact Gong Support.


ScoreczrdstoG4SFDC.png Drill down to see a detailed view of each scorecard and further information such as scored by, notes, visibility (public or private), and more.




The scorecard analysis dashboard in Salesforce contains the following charts:


    Top scorers (by number of calls scored)


    Bottom scorers (by number of calls scored)


    Scorecards filled per month by manager


    Top-used scorecards


    Top people to get scored (by numbers of calls scored)


    Bottom people to get scored (by numbers of calls scored)


    People with the highest average score overall


    People with the lowest average score overall


    Average scores given over time (by manager)


    Average scores given over time (by rep)


    Scorecards used over time




    Also in this version


      Obsolete Opportunity custom fields were removed: We removed Current Generator(s), Delivery/Installation Status, Order Number, and Tracking Number fields. They are no longer part of the app, and can be deleted from existing installations.


      Inaccurate reports were removed: we removed the Closing Opps w/o their VP participation and Closing Opps with your VP participation reports due to inaccuracies.


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