Prioritize and action your to-dos
  • 17 Dec 2024
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Prioritize and action your to-dos

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Article summary

Who's this for? Reps & Managers

Where to go? Sidebar > Engage > To-dos

Working with Gong Engage requires an Engage seat.

The tasks you see in To-dos help you keep track of everything that's on your plate, including to-dos that Gong generates for you, flow to-dos, and to-dos you can create for yourself.

See What are to-dos? to learn about the different types of to-dos in Engage and how they can help you.

Sort and filter your to-do list to focus on the tasks you want to handle

By default, To-dos shows all to-dos that are overdue and due today, sorted by recent engagement. This means they're sorted according to who viewed an email or clicked on a link in an email in the last 30 days. To learn more about email tracking, see How does email tracking work?


To help you prioritize, you can sort your to-do list by:

  • Account name: name of the associated account. If some of the to-dos are also associated with deals, the secondary sorter is deal name

  • Date created/updated: date the to-do was created or updated

  • Digital interaction count: number of email opens and clicks over the last 30 days

  • Due date: due date of the to-do

  • Flow name: name of the flow associated with the to-do, sorted by flow name and step number

  • Flow step number: to-dos are grouped by step numbers, so you’ll see all step 1 to-dos first, then step 2 to-dos, etc. The secondary sorter is flow name 

  • Local time: linked contact/lead local time. The way local time is generated depends on what your admin has set up for your company

  • Recent digital interactions: associated contacts or leads that had the most recent email opens and clicks. The engagement count for each contact is shown with a blue lightning bolt next to the contact name, showing you how many email opens and clicks that person had


You can apply a variety of filters to help you prioritize your to-dos. For example, you may want to focus on certain to-dos based on which flow or step they’re related to, or focus on tasks related to people showing specific signs of interest using recent digital interactions. You may want to handle a bunch of calls due today, send out a bunch of LinkedIn messages in a row, or catch up on emails for the next hour. You can move between the tabs at the top left of To-dos to show all tasks, or tasks of a specific type.

Click Add filter to apply filters to your to-do list. The list of available filters includes:

Gong filters



Due date

Filter by tasks that are due today, tomorrow, next week, or overdue

Flow name

Name of the associated flow. We surface your active flows

Linked to account/deal/lead

Filter by whether the to-do is linked to an account, deal, or lead. For example, you can focus on pipeline management by filtering to show to-dos that are linked to a deal

Prospect local time

Filter by morning hours, business hours, or set a specific time range. This filter only applies to to-dos that are linked to a contact or lead and have a local time available. If you don't see the local time filter or sorting option, ask your admin to configure your company's time zone settings in Engage

To-do type

Filter by flow to-dos, to-dos you created, or Gong-recommended to-dos

Filter by CRM entity




Imported opportunity-related fields from your CRM


Imported account-related fields from your CRM


Imported lead-related fields from your CRM

Flow errors and outcomes

Flow errors and outcomes are separated out for you so you can easily keep track of important items. To-dos that appear under either the Flow errors or Flow outcomes tabs are not duplicated under your All or Emails tabs.

Flow errors

Under the Flow errors tab, you can track any emails that failed to send or bounced, allowing you to easily investigate and resend them right away where relevant. 

Auto emails will only appear in your to-do list if they fail to send, in which case they become manual emails. Auto emails can fail to send if

  • There are missing variables

  • The thread is missing

  • The recipient email address is missing

  • Your email account was disconnected

To find out why your auto email didn't send and send it manually, hover over the to-do. Click Retry to resolve the error and send it again.

When an email bounces for any reason (this includes hard bounces, such as invalid email address, and soft bounces, such as full recipient inbox), we:

  • Automatically pause the person's flow

  • Generate a to-do for the rep to replace the email address and send again

  • Automatically save that new email address for the contact or lead to prevent the next email from bouncing

By resending a failed or bounced email, the flow is automatically resumed. 

Flow outcomes

Under the Flow outcomes tab, you’ll find any flow meetings booked and flow responses you received. Whenever you receive a meeting booked or flow response to-do, the person’s flow is automatically paused. You can reply to these emails directly from the corresponding to-dos, or click on the person’s name to open their contact details if you want to call them instead.

When you complete a response to-do, the person is automatically removed from the flow. If you dismiss a response to-do, the person stays paused in the flow.

Action your to-do list

Now that you know which tasks are most critical for today, let's start checking items off your list. Depending on your role, executing tasks on your list might involve sending emails, making calls, sending LinkedIn messages and connection requests, and more.

You can click on any part of the to-do for more information, including the due date, which you can change in-line. Unless the to-do is associated with a lead, you can also click on the account or deal associated with the to-do for more information.

Action your to-dos in bulk

You can work more efficiently using bulk actions instead of actioning your to-dos one by one. Start by selecting at least one to-do, which triggers the floating bulk actions menu bar to appear. From the bulk action bar, you can:

  • Start: opens selected to-dos in a queue (not available for the All tab)

  • Mark as complete: marks selected to-dos as complete. When completing flow to-dos, the next step is generated automatically

  • Update due date: updates due date for selected to-dos

  • Dismiss: dismisses non-flow to-dos (available when only non-flow to-dos are selected)

  • Skip step: skips flow step (available when only flow to-dos are selected). The next step is generated automatically

  • Skip step/dismiss: Skips flow step to-dos and dismisses non-flow to-dos (available when a mix of flow and non-flow to-dos is selected)

Note that bulk actions are only available when viewing your own to-dos. If you are viewing someone else’s to-dos, bulk actions are not available.

Handle your to-dos consecutively

To help you work faster and stay zoned in, you may want to handle a number of to-dos in a row. Sort them in a way that’s convenient for you, whether you want to sort by flow name, which groups to-dos by which flow they’re in and orders them by step number, or by associated account, which groups to-dos by account name and orders them according to deal name.

As you work through your list, the next to-do on your list is opened for you as soon as you complete your current one. You can also select the specific to-dos you want to work on and click Start in the bulk actions menu. Don’t want to work on a particular to-do right now? Click Next to open the next one on the list. Click Previous to get back to the previous to-do. Once a to-do is completed, dismissed, or skipped, it won’t be part of the queue.

This is available from all tabs in To-dos except for the All tab.

To work on a single to-do, either select it and click Start, or close the window when you're done.

Manage individual to-dos

Dismiss or skip a to-do

To dismiss a Gong-recommended to-do or a one-off to-do, click Button____1_.png on the right and click Dismiss.

Gong-recommended to-dos and one-off to-dos can be reopened for 7 days after they’ve been dismissed. If they’re not reopened in 7 days, they’ll be permanently deleted.

To skip a flow to-do, click Button____1_.png on the right and click Skip step. This causes the contact or lead to skip this step in the flow.

Complete a to-do

When you’re ready, click the check mark check_mark.png on the left side of a to-do to complete it. Gong-recommended to-dos can be reopened for 90 days after they’ve been completed. If they’re not reopened in 90 days, they’ll be permanently deleted.

You can also complete a Gong-recommended to-do or flow to-do while actioning it. Once you've opened a to-do window, click Complete on the bottom left. Learn more about actioning your to-dos.

Where can I find to-dos I've completed or dismissed?

This feature isn’t currently available.

Update CRM information

To update CRM information while you're on a call or writing an email, go to the CRM tab inside the email composer or dialer. From here, you can efficiently update account and deal fields while handling your task.

Manage flows for contacts

While working through your to-do list, use the Contact section on the right side of the window to get additional context about the person you’re reaching out to. You can add the person to a flow, pause their flow, change it to a different one, or remove them from a flow.

Send an email

Any to-do that prompts you to write an email with a write_email_button.png button will open the email composer.

To make writing emails even quicker, take advantage of templates, inspiration from your teammates, the AI rephraser, and other tools that are available to you from directly within the email composer.

You'll notice that auto-send emails, which are used in flows, won’t appear on your list of to-dos unless there are values missing for variables or the contact has no email address, in which case the step will become a regular email step in your list of to-dos.

If you send an email from your email client instead of sending it through the Gong email composer, the to-do is not marked as complete automatically.

Make a call

Any to-do that prompts you to make a call with a call_button_to-dos.png button will open the Gong dialer, so you can call people directly from Gong. These calls can be recorded, giving you the same analytics and insights as all recorded calls in Gong. While working on a call to-do, you can make call attempts without marking the to-do as complete, and then return to the open to-do later on.

To use the dialer, your admin must enable it for you, and must set business numbers that are available either to you specifically (assigned numbers) or to your entire team.

You can use templates for call scripts to make things easy when it comes time to dial someone.

Send LinkedIn connection requests and messages

To send LinkedIn connection requests and messages from Gong, your admin must integrate LinkedIn Sales Navigator and Gong, and you must have a LinkedIn Sales Navigator Advanced or Advanced Plus license.

While writing your message, use the tabs on the right side to get context about the person or account you're engaging with.

You need to add a message to send the connection request. If the message box is blank, the connection request won't be sent.

When opening a LinkedIn to-do, you may notice that the wrong LinkedIn profile has been marked as a match in Gong, either by you or someone else on your team. If so, that person will continue to appear as a match until marked as "Not the right person". To do this, click on the user icon at the top right of the LinkedIn window and click Not the right person.


Now that the profile is unmatched, close the to-do and reopen it. Then you can select a new profile to match to the contact.

For troubleshooting LinkedIn connection requests and messages, we suggest reaching out to LinkedIn Sales Navigator support.

While both LinkedIn messages and LinkedIn connection request to-dos can be synced to your CRM, the option to Log this conversation to CRM is only available for messages and not for connection requests.

Snooze flow to-dos while you’re away

Coming back to your desk after time away can be challenging, even if you’re only away for a day or two. To avoid returning to a long list of overdue items and make sure nothing falls through the cracks, you can set scheduled snooze periods for your flow to-dos.

Learn more about snoozing flow to-dos.

See another team member's to-dos

To see what a team member has on their plate, select their name under the To-do assignee filter and get a view-only version of their to-do list.

Permissions for deals, emails, and calls are respected, meaning that any to-dos linked to deals or containing email or call information the team member doesn’t have permission to see will not be displayed. You’ll be notified if some to-dos are hidden due to your permission settings. If you’re not seeing to-dos and you think you should be, contact your admin.

To-dos FAQs

Are there any admin permissions that relate to sending emails from to-dos in Gong?

If you’re a tech admin, you can opt out of sending emails from Gong for your entire account. To do this, go to Company Settings and in the Data Capture section, select the email provider that you integrate with Gong (Gmail or Office 365). Under Connection Import Settings, deselect the Allow team members to send emails via Gong toggle.

Are the emails that I send directly from to-dos tracked?

Yes, they are. Emails sent from Gong are tracked for "Email open" events and "Email links clicked" events, and are displayed as events in the deal activity timeline.

Does writing an email directly from a to-do require a new permission?

Yes, it does. The first time you click WRITE EMAIL, Gong asks you for permission to write emails. Giving Gong this permission means the emails you compose in Gong are integrated with your email client (Gmail or Office365) and sent directly from them. This means:

  • Emails you send appear in your client Sent folder.

  • Emails you compose but don't send appear in your email client Drafts folder.

  • If the to-do was triggered from an existing email thread (for example, an Out of Office reply), the email is included in the existing thread in your email client.

Why is my auto email appearing as a manual email in my to-do list?

Auto emails will only appear in your to-do list if they fail to send, in which case they become manual emails. Auto emails can fail to send if:

  • There are missing variables

  • The thread is missing

  • The recipient email address is missing

  • Your email account was disconnected

To find out why your auto email didn't send and send it manually, go to the To-dos page and hover over the to-do to.

Sales_engage_todos_auto email fail

What happens if an email address is marked as invalid?

If the contact or lead has an email address that's marked as invalid before the email gets sent, we convert that auto email to a manual email that appears on the rep's To-dos page. The rep can then replace the email address and resend the email. 

What happens if an email bounces?

If an email bounces, we:

  • Automatically mark the email address as invalid

  • Automatically pause the person's flow

  • Generate a to-do for the rep to replace the email address and send again

  • Automatically save that new email address for the contact or lead to prevent the next email from bouncing

If your auto emails are still being sent to email addresses that are marked as invalid in Gong, contact support.

How do we determine the sender for automatic emails in a flow?

The sender/to-do assignee is the person who adds the contact/lead to the flow. If flow rules are set up, the to-do assignee and sender can be specified by a rule.

Where can I learn more about using to-dos to improve my workflow?

Check out the Gong Academy course on generating pipeline to learn how to-dos can help you manage your daily activities and prioritize the actions that are most critical for your pipeline's success.

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