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Go to Insights > Team to see stats according to the team, types of calls, and date that you choose. By default, stats are calculated for your team's recorded calls with customers during the last 30 days. You can customize the results as follows:
Team: Select the manager of the team whose stats you want to see, or individual names. To track initiatives across several teams or team members click +Select multiple teams or members.
Teams or Individuals: Choose whether you want to see stats aggregated by team according to the team manager, or individual stats for each team member. If you choose Team, drill down into individual team members' stats by clicking on the manager's name, and then the team member's name.
Hosted or Attended: Choose whether you want to see stats about calls in which the team member was the owner, or all calls that the team member attended, both as owner and participant.
Call category: Choose the type of calls you want stats about. The default is all customer calls. For more about call categories, see this.
Time period: Select the period you want stats about, or enter a custom date range and click Apply.