FAQs for Salesforce integration
  • 13 Nov 2024
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FAQs for Salesforce integration

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What permissions are required to connect Salesforce to Gong?

The person who performs the OAuth connection should have the following Salesforce permissions:

  • Read permissions to Account, Opportunity, Contact, Lead, Opportunity Stage, Opportunity History, and Publisher

  • If you have a Salesforce Dialer integration: read permissions to Task

  • If you push tasks for each call (old integrations): write permission to Task

  • If you set up pushing  calls to custom objects: write permission to the Conversation object

To view the app in Salesforce, you need to have read permissions to the Conversation object and all of its related custom objects.

Why should I set up a Salesforce integration?

Once you connect to Salesforce, you and your team can search and analyze conversations based on Salesforce fields (like stage or amount) and push conversation data to Salesforce.

Install the Gong for Salesforce app to push call data to Salesforce to make your records in Salesforce richer.

Why should I set up an integration user?

We recommend using a dedicated integration user to set up the integration. This is because if the user who sets up the integration is deactivated, the integration will disconnect. Using a dedicated user who is not a real user in the company and will not be deactivated prevents this from happening.

What is Gong for Salesforce?

Gong for Salesforce is a managed package app that enables you to access conversation data created by Gong, in Salesforce.

How does Gong connect to Salesforce?

Gong uses OAuth authentication to connect to Salesforce. We do not store credentials, just the OAuth token.


You control which CRM user is used for the CRM connection and restrict access to data.

What Salesforce data does Gong import?

Gong imports Salesforce data from 5 objects: accounts, opportunities, leads, contacts, and users.

Choose which accounts, opportunities, leads, and contacts fields (standard or custom) to import to Gong in Manage Salesforce fields settings.

How is the user hierarchy built?

You can set up Gong to automatically provision users through Salesforce. This can be configured in the Team member provisioning settings page. Using automatic provisioning, set Gong to pull the list of Salesforce users (name, email, title, and manager hierarchy) to automatically create your organizational structure in Gong.

Multi-select, address, location, and encrypted fields cannot be imported. Simple reference fields may be imported (for example, AccountId in Contact), and will be automatically selected. Complex references that point to data tables will be ignored.

Can I control what Salesforce data is imported to Gong?

Yes. You can select which Salesforce fields (built-in and custom fields) to import into Gong. For more details, see Set import of Salesforce fields.

How does Gong use Salesforce data?

Gong uses Salesforce data as part of its conversation analysis, and enables you to filter data on various Gong pages, including the Search and Deals pages.

Does Gong only pull in opportunities from Salesforce from a recorded user?

Yes. Gong only pulls in opportunities from Salesforce from a recorded user

Can Gong auto create contacts in Salesforce when a new contact is identified?

No, Gong doesn't create contacts in Salesforce, but Gong does import the email of new contacts and log it in Gong.

Are captured Gong emails logged in Salesforce as email activities?

Depending on your company’s settings, your emails may be exported to Salesforce as tasks.

Can I control which Gong calls to export to Salesforce?

Yes. In the Salesforce integration settings page, set up a filter to only export the calls you need.

Are smart trackers exported to Salesforce?

Yes, smart trackers are exported together with your call data as long as your Gong admin didn't disable this. Smart tracker details can be seen in the Content tab in the Conversation and have a [Smart] prefix.


If I set up a filter now, does it affect past calls?

Your filter applies to new calls and reprocessed past calls, meaning calls that were excluded by the previous filter but now match because of Gong reprocessing* the call are exported to Salesforce.

*Reprocessing happens when the call metadata changes e.g. a new tracker applies to a call, or the information of one of the call participants was updated in Salesforce.

Do new filters affect past calls?

Your filter applies to new calls and reprocessed past calls - meaning calls that were excluded by the previous filter but now match and that are reprocessed by Gong, are then exported to Salesforce. Calls are reprocessed when the call metadata changes e.g. a new tracker applies to this call or one of its participants information was updated in Salesforce.

What do I need to set up in Salesforce so Gong can push call data?

In Salesforce, the app sets up the following:

  • The Gong Conversation Salesforce object

  • A set of custom objects to structure all call data within each conversation

  • A canvas app (for the call highlights and transcript)

  • A connected app to enable API usage from Gong to Salesforce

What's the API usage importing Gong calls to Salesforce?

Gong performs one API call per recorded call in Gong, which creates approximately 25 additional child records. When you first export historical calls, or change trackers that apply to many calls, there will most likely be a spike in API calls due to the syncing of historically recorded calls.

How does Gong map between conversations and Salesforce objects?

Gong matches the participants in a conversation to contacts, accounts, and deals by email address and by email domain. It matches the conversation to an open opportunity if one exists; if more than one exists, it picks the most applicable one by opportunity owner and last modification date.

How can I use Gong conversation data in Salesforce?

You can create reports, dashboards and workflows based on both imported conversation data, and data within Salesforce. The app comes with pre-defined reports that you can adjust to your needs. For example, you can create a report on competitors, or aggregated activity by opportunity. You can also create a workflow to surface competitors and add them to the Opportunity record.

How are Gong tasks created in Salesforce?

If you are set up to create tasks in Salesforce, after a conversation is recorded by Gong, the activity is used to log the conversation under the relevant contact(s) in Salesforce.

Each call creates a task that sends call participant data to Salesforce. You can leave the option selected, even if you export full call data, so that any reports that use these tasks still work.

If I installed Gong for Salesforce in a sandbox, will Gong conversations be channeled there?

Only one instance of Gong for Salesforce (either production or sandbox) is connected at any one time. Gong conversation data is channeled to the instance you’re currently connected to.

Why should I set up an integration user?

We recommend using a dedicated integration user to set up the integration. This is because if the user who sets up the integration is deactivated, the integration will disconnect. Using a dedicated user who is not a real user in the company and will not be deactivated prevents this from happening.

If a call is deleted in Gong, is the call deleted from Salesforce?

Yes. The action of deleting a call in Gong deletes it from Salesforce also - the entire meeting record is deleted. This includes calls that are deleted due to the company’s retention policy as well as calls that are deleted manually.

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