- DarkLight
Who can do this? Tech admin
To connect Gong to Snowflake, you need to provide your account details in Gong, wait for the connection to be confirmed and then set up the database in Snowflake.
To set up the integration in Gong:
Click Company settings > Data Cloud > Snowflake.
Enter your Snowflake credentials:
Account locator: the identifier for the Snowflake account you want Gong data to be available from.
Account region: available from your Snowflake admin. If the account region is not included in the list, the region is not currently supported. You can ask us to add the region and we will let you know when your region is supported.
Supported regions are:
AWS ap_south_1
AWS ap-southeast-1
AWS ap-southeast-2
AWS ca-central-1
AWS eu-central-1
AWS us-east-1
AWS us-east-2
AWS us-west-2
AWS eu-west-1
AWS eu-west-2
AWS eu_west_3
AZURE azwestus2
AZURE centralus
AZURE europewest
AZURE northeurope
AZURE useast2
GCP europe-west4
GCP us-central1
Snowflake admin email (optional): the email address of the Snowflake administrator in your company. We will send instructions to be done in Snowflake to complete the integration to this email address.
Click Connect. It may take a few hours to complete the connection. You and your Snowflake admin will get an email when the connection is complete.
Once the connection is confirmed, generate the command query and run it.
By running this query, you are agreeing to Snowflake's terms and conditions.
use role accountadmin; CALL SYSTEM$ACCEPT_LEGAL_TERMS('DATA_EXCHANGE_LISTING','GZT0Z123IQGM');show shares like '%GONG%'; set database_name = 'GONG'; show shares like '%GONG%'; //Generates the command SELECT ‘CREATE DATABASE ' || $database_name || ' FROM SHARE ' || "owner_account" || '.' || "name" FROM TABLE(RESULT_SCAN(LAST_QUERY_ID())); The generated command: CREATE DATABASE GONG FROM SHARE GRANT IMPORTED PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE GONG TO ROLE ;