Aligning saved filters and streams
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Aligning saved filters and streams

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Article summary


These changes are being rolled out in October 2024.

You may notice some changes to your search page.We’ve renamed saved filters to saved searches, trimmed them down, and adding a link to the search page to create a new stream. We’ve made these changes to:

  • Give you a single, streamlined way to collect the calls that are important to you

  • Give you more options for new call notifications (Slack and email)

  • Create less clutter on your search page


Notifications haven’t changed at all. If you get email notifications about new calls that match specific filters, you’ll still get them.

Saved filters: what’s changed



Saved filters

Saved searches

Visible only to you, accessible on the Search page

Your private filters

Saved searches

Visible only to you, accessible on the Search page

Your private filters with alerts

Saved searches

Visible only to you, accessible on the Search page

Also saved as streams, with the same alerts, in your library. Look for them in Your Library > Searches saved as streams

About alerts
Alerts stay the same, and you can can add Slack notifications, too. Learn more about streams

Your public filters

Saved searches

Visible only to you, accessible on the Search page

Your public filters with alerts

Saved searches

Visible only to you, accessible on the Search page

Also saved as streams in your library. Look for them in Your Library > Searches saved as streams

About alerts
Alerts stay the same, and you can can add Slack notifications, too. Learn more about streams

Your public filters with alerts and subscribers

Saved searches

Visible only to you, accessible on the Search page

Also saved as streams in your library. Look for them in Your Library > Searches saved as streams

Also saved as streams in subscribers’ library. They can find them in Your Library > Folders shared with you

About alerts
Alerts stay the same, and you can can add Slack notifications, too. Learn more about streams

Other people’s public filters that I was subscribed to

Saved searches

Don’t appear here

Also saved as streams in your library. Look for them in Your Library > Folders shared with you

About alerts
Alerts stay the same, and you can can add Slack notifications, too. Learn more about streams

Other public filters

Saved searches
Visible to you if you’ve used them recently. If you haven’t, they will not appear

Streams: what’s changed

If you had saved filters with alerts, they are now also streams with the same email notifications. In addition, we’ve made a couple of improvements to streams and expanded your Slack notification options.

Create a stream from the search page

You’ll see the Create stream button as soon as you conduct a search, so it’s easy to create a stream right from the search page. In the past, you could only create streams from the Library.

Get Slack notifications for any type of stream

In addition to getting notified via email when new calls are collected in a stream, you can set Slack notifications for any type of stream. In the past, you could only set Slack notifications for streams saved in the Company Library.

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