What's new in Gong data cloud
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What's new in Gong data cloud

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Article summary

The Gong Data Cloud has seen various updates and additions since 2023. New tables like forecast submissions history and gong usage provide insights into data usage. Snowflake now includes call data like phone numbers and call participants. Additional features include comments analysis, call transcripts, and connecting CRM contacts. Scorecard data and detailed call information are now available. Snowflake regions have expanded, and forecast data can be exported. Meeting details and interaction stats are included, offering statistical analysis of reps' calls. Overall, the Gong Data Cloud continues to evolve with new functionalities and data accessibility.

See all documentation on the Gong data cloud here.

August 2024

The following table was added:

  • forecast_submissions_history: Table is populated with previous and current forecast submissions.  

  • ROW_ID: The ROW_ID column added to each table is no longer in beta and can be used.

July 2024

The following was added:

  • Gong data in BigQuery and Databricks: Make your Gong data available in BigQuery and Databricks where you can then connect to your preferred BI tool. Learn more

  • gong_usage table: The gong_usage table was added to provide data on how your users are using Gong.

March 2024

New data available in Snowflake:

  • Calls table: To enable exporting data from all telephony calls to Snowflake, the PHONE_NUMBER and CALL_CONNECTED columns were added.

  • Call_participants table: To enable exporting data from all telephony calls to Snowflake, the PHONE_NUMBER column was added.  

  • All tables: The ROW_ID column was added to all tables to enable support for exporting Gong data to other data warehouses. This is currently in beta and should not be used.

February 2024

The following fields have been added:

  • Comments table: The mentions and tags fields were added. The mentions field contains the Gong userId of all users mentioned in the comment with a @ sign. UserIds are separated by a comma.

    The tags field contains all phrases in the comment that start with a #. Each tag is separated by a comma.

  • Calls table: On March 15th, the source field will be deleted from the Snowflake database. Currently, the source field is deprecated and has been replaced with the source_system field. This is to avoid having fields named with terms which are reserved words in some data warehouses. Existing data in the system field will be copied to the source_system field.

January 2024

The following is now available:

  • Conversation participants: The conversation_participants table now includes the speaker ID. This enables you to associate the participant’s Gong user with everything they say in a call. The speakerId is the speaker of each monologue in the TRANSCRIPT table.

December 2023

The following is now available:

  • Indication of whether a record was deleted: Previously, deleted data was deleted from Snowflake. Now, records will no longer be deleted, instead they will be marked as having been deleted in Gong. The is_deleted field was added to the following tables:

    • conversations

    • conversation_contexts

    • conversation_participants

    • conversation_trackers

    • interaction_stats

    • meetings

    • emails

    • call_recordings

November 2023

  • New data available in Snowflake: The following data is now available in Snowflake:

    • Comments: Analyzing comments can be used to assess coaching quality, and also to filter calls with specific hashtags or tags. Public comments made on calls are now available in the COMMENTS table in Snowflake.

October 2023

  • New data available in Snowflake: The following has been added: 

    • Call transcripts: You can now get call transcripts in Snowflake. Transcripts are saved in a JSON format in the new CALL_TRANSCRIPTS table.

    • Call spotlight: Call spotlight details, including the call brief, outline, next steps, call outcome are now stored in the CALLS table. For details on the call spotlight, see Save time with call spotlight

September 2023

  • Ability to connect conversation participants with the relevant CRM contact: You can now connect conversation participants to the contact or lead in your CRM. The following changes were made:

    Table name




    Added fields: 

    • participant_object_id

    • participant_object_type

    For each participant we now include details of whether the participant is a contact or a lead and the participant’s CRM ID.


    Added crm_contact as a possible value for the type field

    Adds the ability to associate contacts to conversations

  • Scorecard data now available: See who is filling in scorecards and how calls are scored for different reps. The SCORECARD_QUESTIONS and SCORECARD_ANSWERS tables were added to the Gong data cloud.

  • Additional call data available: You can now get more detailed call information and run detailed analysis on calls. The following fields were added to the CALLS table:

    • direction

    • system

    • scope

    • disposition

    • call_owner_webcam_on_duration_sec

    • customer_webcam_on_duration_sec

    • company_question_count

    • customer_question_count

August 2023

  • Additional Snowflake regions now supported: Some Snowflake regions outside of the USA are now supported in the Gong Data Cloud so that anyone in those regions can now analyze their Gong data in their data warehouse.

    The new regions are:

    • AWS ap-southeast-1

    • AWS ap-southeast-2

    • AWS ap_south_1

    • AWS ca_central-1

    • AWS eu-central-1

    • AWS eu-west-1

    • AWS eu-west-2

    • AWS eu_west_3

    • AZURE centralus

    • AZURE europewest

    • AZURE northeurope

    • GCP europe-west4

  • Analyze Forecast data: Forecast data, including individual and team forecast submissions, and individual and team targets are now available for export to a Snowflake data warehouse. The FORECAST_SUBMISSIONS and FORECAST_TARGETS tables were added to the Gong data cloud. For more details, see Gong database reference.

  • ID field types changed: The following changes were made:

    Table name

    Field name

    New field type









    array of varchars



    array of varchars







July 2023

The following data has been added to the Gong Data Cloud:

  • Meeting details: Calendar meetings are now included in Snowflake, together with the meeting’s call information and the associated CRM objects. This has been added retroactively, so all meetings are available. The MEETINGS table was added, and meeting participants now appear in the CONVERSATION_PARTICIPANTS table. Associated CRM objects have been added to the CONVERSATION_CONTEXTS table. For more details, see Gong database reference.


  • Interaction stats: Get our statistical analysis of your reps calls, so that you can see how they manage each call and identify areas they need coaching in. Interaction stats include data such as talk ratio and the reps longest monologue. The USER_CALL_INTERACTION_STATS table was added and populated with metrics from existing calls. For more details, see Gong database reference.

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