- DarkLight
On the right side of the homepage is the Collaboration widget - your place to stay on top of things that need your attention and where you've asked others to collaborate.
This widget contains 2 tabs:
See what needs your attention:
Comments on calls you hosted
Any time you were mentioned in a comment on any call or on an account, as well as new comments on accounts you follow
Times a call was shared with you
Scorecards filled out on your calls
Feedback requests
Follow up where you collaborated with others:
Comments you made on calls
Times you mentioned anyone else in a comment on a call or on an account, and any comments you made on an account
Your shared calls
Scorecards you filled out
Requests for feedback made by you
Tip: Manage this list:
Click to individual items to remove them
Click Dismiss all at the top of the list. to clear the list
Items older than 60 days are removed automatically.