Upload keyword trackers
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  • Contributors

Upload keyword trackers

Article summary

Who's this for? Business admin

Upload a CSV file of your keyword trackers. This is useful for creating new trackers, making bulk changes to existing trackers, and copying trackers from one workspace to another.

Guidelines for uploading the keyword tracker CSV

Keyword trackers must be saved in a CSV file that matches the format of an exported keyword trackers CSV file. For best results, use a CSV file that you updated after recently exporting from Gong. Avoid deleting columns from the file.

Refer to the following table when adding or editing keyword trackers to know what is required before importing the CSV, and for guidelines on valid values.

Column header

Action when adding a new tracker

Action when editing an existing tracker

Tracker ID

Leave empty (mandatory)

Do not touch

Tracker name


Add name

Edit as required

Creation date

Leave empty (mandatory)

Do not touch

Created by

Leave empty (mandatory)

Do not touch

Last updated

Leave empty (mandatory)

Do not touch

Last updated by

Leave empty (mandatory)

Do not touch

All languages, and per language:



Enter the terms you want to track, separated by a comma. Gong matches your trackers with the words said on the call verbatim.

To track large numbers, (such as 10,000), put them in quotes (e.g. “10,000”) to ensure the digits are not split into two numbers.

Note: It is mandatory to add terms either in the 'All languages phrases' column, or for at least 1 language. For languages you don't need, leave empty

Edit as required

All languages, and per language:

Include related word forms


Decide whether or not you want to include related word forms (stemming and inflections).

For example, for renew Gong will also surface renewal and renewing too.

Enter TRUE to turn on or FALSE to turn off (mandatory). For languages you don't need, leave empty.

Edit as required

Track when said by



Edit as required

Track as part of a question


Enter TRUE to turn on or FALSE to turn off

Edit as required

Track when said at


To track the term at a certain part of the conversation, set the time in the following format:

[First/Last] [1<=X<=99] [minute(s)/percent(s)]

For example: "First 20 minutes"

Edit as required

Track when said in topics


Enter the topics, separated by a comma

Edit as required

Track when said in call parts


This column is in limited release and valid values are determined per company.

Edit as required

Additional filters


We recommend you update this column in the UI only.

This column lists call filters where you selected types of calls to identify the tracker in.

We recommend you update this column in the UI only.

Show this tracker in Call pages


Enter TRUE to turn on this option; enter FALSE to turn off this option

Edit as required

Show this tracker in Emails


Enter TRUE to turn on this option; enter FALSE to turn off this option

Edit as required

Show this tracker in Calls CSV export


Enter TRUE to turn on this option; enter FALSE to turn off this option

Edit as required

Include a column for each phrase in Calls CSV export


Enter TRUE to turn on this option; enter FALSE to turn off this option

Edit as required

Show this tracker in CRM Call Object


Enter TRUE to turn on this option; enter FALSE to turn off this option

Edit as required

Include separate tracker for each phrase in CRM


Enter TRUE to turn on this option; enter FALSE to turn off this option

Edit as required

Show this tracker in API request


Enter TRUE to turn on this option; enter FALSE to turn off this option

Edit as required

Include separate tracker for each phrase in API request


Enter TRUE to turn on this option; enter FALSE to turn off this option

Edit as required

Show this tracker in Stats pages


Enter TRUE to turn on this option; enter FALSE to turn off this option

Edit as required


Leave empty (mandatory)

Do not touch

How to upload keyword trackers

  • Make sure you've followed the guidelines in the previous section.

  • Click Company settings > Customize analysisTrackers.

  • Click the action menu Button____1_.png on the far right and click Upload CSV (bulk edit).

  • Click BROWSE FILE, and navigate to the CSV file you want to upload.


    You may need to teach Gong how to recognize terms and/or names that would probably not be found in a dictionary. Maintaining a custom vocabulary list enables you to track terms that relate to your business in Gong, while also improving the transcription accuracy. Learn more about the custom vocabulary here.

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