Update the contact/lead status based on the Engage flow status
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Update the contact/lead status based on the Engage flow status

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Article summary

Contacts and leads imported from CRM can be added to an engagement flow in Salesforce. The flow fields are exported and displayed in Salesforce. Gong tracks the contact's status as they move through the flow. To sync the contact's status between Salesforce and Gong, a Salesforce flow can automate status updates. Changing status in Salesforce does not sync with Gong. A step-by-step guide is provided to create a flow in Salesforce to update lead status based on the Engage flow status. The process involves defining a flow, configuring triggers, updating records, and testing the flow with a dummy lead. Customization may be required based on individual CRM setups.

Contacts and leads imported from your CRM can be added to an Engage flow so that your reps can contact prospects using a predetermined series of actions. If you have set up custom fields in Salesforce, the flow fields are exported and displayed in the contact and lead in Salesforce.

As the contact is moved through the flow in Gong, the contact’s status changes. You may want the status of the contact in Salesforce to be the same as the status of the contact in Gong. Updating the status in Salesforce can be automated via a Salesforce flow.


If you change the value of a flow field in Salesforce, the new value is not synced to Gong.

This article explains how to create a flow that updates the contact and lead status based on the Engage flow status.
Note that:

  • This article describes the flow for updating a lead object. You need to set up a separate flow to update the contact.

  • Salesforce statuses are customized by each organization. You must adjust this flow to suit your CRM setup.

Define a flow in Salesforce

You must be a Salesforce admin to define the flow in Salesforce:

  1. In Salesforce, go to Setup & Process Automation & Flows and click New flow.

  2. Select Record - Triggered Flow.

  3. Fill in the form as follows:

    1. Object: Lead

    2. Configure Trigger: A record is updated

    3. Set Entry Conditions:

      1. Condition requirement: Formula Evaluates to True

      2. Formula: ISCHANGED(Gong__Flow_Status__c)

Configure the step to update a record

You now need to configure the step where the lead record is updated in Salesforce with the new status:

  1. In the flow builder, click the + sign to add a step to the flow and select Update Records. This triggers this step when the Engage Flow Status field in the lead record is updated.

  2. Configure the step as follows:

    1. Find the records to update and set values: Use the lead record that triggered the flow

    2. Filter conditions: None - Always Update Record

  3. In the Toolbox, create a new formula resource:

    1. Give the API Name a meaningful name

    2. Data type: Text

    3. Formula

    "Active",  "<Lead status>",
    "Paused", "<Lead status>",
    "Opted Out", "<Lead status>",
    "Removed", “<Lead status>”,
    "Completed","<Lead status>",
    "Removed Response", "<Lead status>",

    For example:

    "Active",  "Contacted",
    "Paused", "Not sure",
    "Opted Out", "Not interested",
    "Removed", “Unqualified”,
    "Removed Response", "Discontinued",
  4. Add the new formula to the Value for the status field.


Test the flow

You can test the flow by creating a dummy lead and update the Engage Flow Status field. Check the Lead status is updated accordingly.

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