Set up email sending limits and unsubscribe links
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Set up email sending limits and unsubscribe links

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Working with Gong Engage requires an Engage seat.

Who's this for? Admin

Where to go? Sidebar > Company settings > Engage > Email settings

In an effort to protect their investors and users, Internet service providers, or ISPs, take measures to block emails that they perceive as spam. It's useful to make adjustments to your email strategies, including adjusting your organization's flow email limits, to protect your sender reputation, and ultimately help reps get in touch with the right people.

In addition to these settings, Gong takes measures to promote successful email delivery.

Which emails count toward email sending limits

Emails sent directly from your email client don't count toward Gong sending limits, even if the user has the Gong extension installed. These limits are only applicable to emails sent from the Gong platform. Every email you send from Gong is counted, whether they're sent to a company domain or a personal email account.

How to set email sending limits

To prevent your company's emails from being marked as spam, set limits on the number of emails that can be sent from Engage flows.

To set email sending limits:

  1. Go to Company settings

  2. In the Engage section, click Email settings

  3. Scroll to the Email sending limits section

  4. Set your maximum number of flow emails for each category:

    • Number of flow emails from the same sender per day/per week

    • Number of flow emails sent from your company per day

    • Number of flow emails sent from your company to the same recipient per day

    • Number of flow emails sent from your company to recipients within the same domain per day

Email sending limits FAQs

When do email limits refresh?

Email limits refresh in a rolling 24-hour window, except for Emails from the same sender, which resets at midnight (12 AM) each day according to the user’s time zone. This is helpful when team members are located in different time zones.

Why should I set email limits?

Sending a large number of emails all at once may raise red flags for Internet service providers. Rather than sending an email blast to all of your recipients, Engage lets you create a funnel that allows a certain number of emails to send per campaign per day. This helps keep your team's follow-up tasks manageable, and prevents emails from getting marked as spam. You can learn more about Gong's email delivery strategies.

What types of emails count towards email sending limits?

All types of emails (flow emails and non-flow emails) count towards reaching these limits. However, you are only prevented from sending flow emails once you hit the limit, meaning you can still send non-flow emails at that point.

Add unsubscribe links to flow emails

Unsubscribe links enable your email recipients to tell you that they don’t want to receive emails from you. They are also compliant with certain international regulations. By providing an unsubscribe link, you make sure that you don’t continue to contact prospects who want you to stop, and you’ll limit the number of prospects who complain to your ISP and mark your email as spam.

Instead of having unsubscribe links as optional for each flow, you may want all flow emails being sent from your organization to contain an unsubscribe link.

To add unsubscribe links to all flow emails

  1. Go to Company settings

  2. Under Engage, go to Email settings

  3. Toggle on Display an unsubscribe link for all flow emails

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