Recipe: Create a report correlating trackers to business impact/win rate
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Recipe: Create a report correlating trackers to business impact/win rate

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Article summary

Take the Win rate per Q for competitive Opps out-of-the-box report that shows you the quarterly trend of how often you won opportunities when there was competition, and adapt it for a different tracker.

  1. Go to ReportsAll Folders > Gong Reports.

  2. Open the Win rate per Q for competitive Opps report.


  3. In the Filters tab, change the Tracker Name filter to the name of the tracker you want to create the report for.


  4. Change the Tracker Occurrences filter to the number of occurrences you want to create the report for.

  5. (Optional) To add a filter for a particular phrase, add a filter for Tracker phrase.


  6. Save the report.

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