Create and manage scorecards
  • 19 Jan 2025
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Create and manage scorecards

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Article summary

Where to go: Company settings > Coaching > Scorecards

Who’s this for: Business admin

Scorecards enable managers, enablement and reps to rate and give feedback on calls. This structured approach to gathering feedback encourages consistency in review criteria and produces data that teams can use to coach more effectively, and improve.

Create a scorecard

  1. Go to Company settings > Coaching > Scorecards.

  2. Click + Create new in the top right corner.  

  3. In the Settings section, set the scorecard name, description, and filters.

    1. In Info, enter the scorecard name and add a description to help people understand when to use it.  

    2. Scorecards are public by default. If you want the scorecard to be private by default, mark the Make scorecard private by default checkbox. The scorer can make the scorecard public, or share with specific people, when submitting.  

    3. In Filters, add filters to set the types of calls you want this scorecard to be available for. For example, if you select a team here, the scorecard will only be available for scoring calls in which someone from that team participated. If you don’t add any filters, the scorecard will be available for all calls.

      Scorecard settings for evaluating discovery calls with key questions listed.

  4. In the Questions section, add scorecard questions, set whether they are mandatory, what type they are, and whether you want to use Gong AI to help answer it.

    1. In Info, enter a question. Add an answer guide, which can include formatting and external links, to help people answer the question.

      1. The answer guide is optional and will only appear in the scorecard if you’ve entered text.

      2. Whether the question is mandatory. Mandatory questions can’t be skipped or marked as N/A.  

    2. In Question type, choose from the following types of questions:

      1. Range: Select from 0 to 50

      2. Multi-select: Add multiple possible answers. Users can select any or all of them.

      3. Single-select: Add multiple possible answers. Users can select one of them.

      4. Yes/No

      5. Open-ended

    3. In AI source, help people answer the question by choosing a smart tracker to help find parts in a call where a question's concept was mentioned. Learn more about smart trackers

  5. The Overall score question is a range question from 1 to 5 that gives your team a tool for comparing and analyzing scorecard results. You can have the question manually answered by the scorer or have it calculated automatically based on the values of weighted scorecard questions. For more, see overall score options.  

  6. Click Save to save the scorecard and then click Publish to make it available for scoring.


    Click Publish to make a scorecard available for scoring. If the scorecard is already published and you’ve made changes to it, clicking Publish makes the updated version live.

Overall score options

The overall score question ranges from 1 to 5, and makes it possible to filter for calls, and compare and analyze results. The overall score question can be scored manually or calculated based on weighted questions.

Manually scored

Manual scoring is enabled by default, and mandatory if included in a scorecard.

Weighted calculation

If you choose weighted calculation, the answer is calculated based on the answers given by the scorer and the assigned weights of each question. Weighted calculation allows for more precise and consistent scoring across the organization.

How it works

General set-up flow

  1. Set up all of the questions in the scorecard.

  2. Click Overall score, and then click Weighted calculation.

  3. Under Overall score question, enter the overall question.

  4. Under Question weights, you’ll see all of the scorecard questions that can be assigned weights. By default, the questions will be weighted evenly, so that the total score of all questions is 100%.

  5. Adjust the weight of each question according to their importance in the overall score.

  6. Enter 0% for questions you don’t want calculated as part of the total score.

  7. The total weight of all question weights must be 100%. If you’ve changed some of the weights, click “Recalibrate to 100%” and we’ll recalculate all of the weights to maintain the same ratio.

What the scorer sees

Scorers see the calculated overall score as the last question in their scorecard before they click submit. They can’t manually override the score but they can revise their answers to previous questions before submitting.

Details and limitations

  • Currently, weights can only be assigned to range and yes/no question types.

  • Skipped questions: If the scorer skips a question, it is counted as the lowest possible value in the overall score weight. For example, if the skipped question is a range question from 1 to 5, the value given to it in the overall score is 1. If it’s a yes/no question, the value given is 0.

  • Questions marked as N/A: If the scorer marks a question as N/A, it isn’t counted in the overall score, and the weights of other weighted questions are adjusted.

  • If you don’t want questions to be skipped or marked as N/A, make them mandatory.

How the score is calculated

  • Yes/no questions: yes = 1; no = 0.

  • Range questions: The numeric value is the selected value.

  • Values are normalized, which means they are adjusted to a number within a certain scale; in this case, between 0 and 1.
    So, for example, if the question is a range question between 1 and 7 and the answer is 3, the value is normalized as follows:
    7-1 = 6; (3-1)/6 = 1/3; normalized value is 0.33.  

  • The normalized values of all the questions are then weighted and summed up. This is then scaled to a value between 1 and 5.

Example of an overall score calculated by weight

Let’s say you build a scorecard with 4 questions: 2 yes/no, 2 range questions. You set the question weights to 30%, 20%, 40% and 10%.

To determine the overall score, the answer values are normalized, weighted, and summed up. The results are then scaled and rounded to a value between 1 and 5.





Normalized value

Weighted answer

Did the rep introduce themselves?




1/1 = 1.0

1 x 0.30 = 0.30

Did the rep mention pricing?




0/1 = 0.0

0 x 0.20 = 0.00

How well did the rep perform discovery?

Range (1-7)



7-1 = 6
(3-1)/6 = 2/6 = 1/3
1/3 = 0.33

0.33 × 0.40 = 0.13

How well did the rep close the call?

Range (0-5)



2/5 = 0.40

0.40 × 0.10 = 0.04

Normalized overall score


Overall score

Range (1-5)

5-1= 4
0.47 x 4 = 1.88 1.88 + 1 = 2.88

3 (stars)

Add or remove the overall score question

The overall score question is enabled by default. To remove it, hover Overall score in the left panel, clickMoreMenuIcon(1) and click Delete. If the question has been deleted and want to add it, click Overall score in the left panel (it will marked with a dashed line) and then click + Add overall question in the panel that opens on the right.

Edit, delete, or duplicate a scorecard


The ability to duplicate scorecards is rolling out in January 2025.  

  1. Go to Company settings > Coaching> Scorecards.

  2. In the search box at the top left of the page, enter the name of the scorecard you want to edit, delete, or duplicate.

  3. ClickMoreIconbeside its name, and choose an action.

    Scorecards interface showing Discovery Calls with options to edit, delete, or duplicate.

    Edit: This opens the scorecard for editing. To save any chances, click Save. To make the changes live, click Publish.

    Delete: If the scorecard has never been used, it can be deleted. If the scorecard has been used, you won't be able to delete it because it contains data. To make sure it doesn’t appear for scoring, click Unplublish.

    Duplicate: This creates a duplicate of the original scorecard, including all the same questions. Change the name, edit as you like, and publish to make it live.

Push scorecard results to another source

Use the API to push stats for scorecard results out of Gong. Documentation can be found here.

Download scores

You can download scores as a CSV file that includes all of that scorecard's results. This is possible for scorecards that were submitted as private also.

  1. Go to Company settings > Coaching > Scorecards.

  2. Enter the name of the scorecard you want in the search box in the top left corner of the page.

  3. Click on the scorecard to open it, then clickMoreIconin the top right corner and choose Export to CSV.

    Settings page for scorecards with options to publish and export to CSV.

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