About workspaces
  • 17 Apr 2024
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About workspaces

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Article summary

Set up workspaces in Gong to divide your Gong instance into sub-accounts to match your business needs.

For example set up separate workspaces for:

  • Different lines of businesses: To segment visibility and reduce clutter.

    This can be useful when you have two separate lines of business that sell different products to different markets that don't collaborate with one another. This allows each business admin to create trackers and scorecards that are only relevant to their line of business without affecting the other.

  • Different use cases: For example, in addition to your sales and go-to-market teams, you can create separate workspaces for the management, coaching, and recruiting, and restrict access as necessary.

    For example, a CEO might have access to all company workspaces, whereas an account executive might only have access to data on the Sales or Go to Market workspace, and only their calls in the Coaching workspace and not anything else.

  • Staying compliant in different regions by having workspaces with different data retention periods.

  • Keeping certain people's calls private by capturing their data in a restricted workspace.

Data capture

During setup, the tech admin assigns each team member a home workspace, to which their data is captured in the following way:

What can team members see and do in workspaces:

  • Web conference and telephony system calls are captured into the home workspace of the call owner.

  • Emails are captured into the home workspace of anyone included on the email.

Workspace access and data visibility

Permission profiles govern what team members can see and do in each workspace. Conversational data and the related stats are visible in the workspace they reside in only (for example, you may need to switch workspaces to see all calls with a particular account).

When seeting up team members, you can assign them a permission profile per workspace.

What team members can see and do in workspaces:

  • When no permission profile is set: The team member can access the workspace homepage and from there, can access calls that were shared with them either through internal share, or by being mentioned in a comment, or when feedback was requested.

    If no calls in the workspace were shared, the workspace appears empty.

  • When a permission profile is set: The team member can access the workspace according to the settings in the permission profile. For example:

    • Access to and actions on calls

    • Access to Gong pages

    • Access to and actions on library folders

    • Business administration

  • Information that is not governed by the permission profile: such as users, contacts, leads, and accounts, are visible across all workspaces.

Admin settings

Workspace settings for admins are split between the company and workspace levels as follows:

  • Technical settings are set on the Company level:

    • Integrations with email & calendar, CRM, telephony systems


      Gong supports only 1 type of email/calendar software, 1 CRM, and 1 instance of each telephony system per customer.

    • Authentication

    • Team member management

    • Data protection & privacy (apart from the data retention period)

    • API - API calls can be made to Gong across workspaces, and requests and responses can be filtered per workspace.

  • Business settings are set per workspace:

    • Permission profiles

    • Trackers

    • Topics

    • Call categories

    • Scorecards

    • Custom vocabulary

    • Retention period

    • Automation rules

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