- DarkLight
Who’s this for: RevOps
Where to go: Company settings > Revenue analytics
Who can do this: Individuals with permission to manage revenue analytics
When uploading a new target file to Gong, we validate the file and every record in it to make sure everything is set correctly. File upload errors can occur for several reasons, including incompatible file formats or invalid records. Here’s a list of potential errors and the way to fix them:
General errors
Empty file
Include some records in your file and retry.
Wrong file format
Make sure you upload a *.CSV file.
Missing columns/Unrecognized column names
Columns may have been accidentally deleted or renamed.
Make sure all columns in the original template exist with their original names before reuploading the file.
The validation is case sensitive.
Unit target files include the following columns:
Team member identifier
Is Team
On top of these 4 columns, the currency target file includes a Currency column.
Unseparated columns
Make sure values in your file are separated by commas and that the commas aren’t removed or replaced by a different delimiter.
Record duplication
Verify each record displays a unique combination of Team member identifier, “Is Team”, and Period.
Specific record errors
Invalid or missing identifiers
Verify team member identifiers are present and correctly formatted in all rows. The identifier can be an email address ([email protected]) or an 18-digit CRM ID (for a team/team member).
Invalid period formats
Verify periods are formatted as follows:
"Month FYyyyy" for months (ex: "April FY2022”)
“Qx FYyyyy" for quarters (ex: "Q2 FY2022”)
“FYyyyy” for years (ex: “FY2022”).
Invalid target values
Verify target values are numeric.
Invalid currency
Use a standard 3-letter currency abbreviation (ex: USD, EUR, GBP).
If multiple currencies are enabled for you and you don’t include a currency name, the company currency is applied.