Exclusive flows
  • 14 Oct 2024
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Exclusive flows

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Working with Gong Engage requires an Engage seat

Who's this for? Reps & admins

Where to go? Sidebar > Engage > Flows

Each flow has a setting that allows it to be set as exclusive. This prevents people from being added to other flows while they are in an exclusive flow. Both company and personal flows can be set as exclusive.

It’s recommended to toggle on flow exclusivity settings for specific flows before your admin turns on the company-wide setting for allowing contacts and leads to be active in multiple flows at one time. This way, automation rules will respect exclusivity settings before automatically adding people to flows.

To set a flow as exclusive:

  1. Go to Gong Engage > Flows 

  2. Select the flow you want to work on

  3. Go to the Rules page and toggle on Exclusive

Setting a flow as exclusive won’t remove people from flows they’re already in. It only applies to future people that get added to the flow.

How does flow exclusivity work with automation rules?

If a contact is in one or more non-exclusive flows and meets the criteria for another non-exclusive flow, the automation rule will add them to that flow.

If a contact isn’t in any flow but matches the criteria for both an exclusive and non-exclusive flow, the exclusive flow takes priority.

If a contact matches the criteria for multiple exclusive flows at the same time, they will be added to one randomly.

Exclusive flows won’t remove people from other flows.

How does flow exclusivity work when adding people to flows manually?

When you add someone to a flow or change their flow from anywhere in Engage, you can choose between any flows that are available to you, both exclusive and non-exclusive. If you select an exclusive flow, you won’t be able to select any other flows.

If someone is already in an exclusive flow, you’ll need to remove them from the flow before adding them to another flow.

People in non-exclusive flows can be added to additional non-exclusive flows.

How does flow exclusivity work when adding people to flows in bulk?

You can add multiple people to flows at one time using bulk actions from the People page, the Accounts page under the Contacts tab, or the Flows page under the People tab. Once you’ve selected the people you want to add to a flow, click Add to flow in the bulk actions bar. Then, you can see how many of the people you selected are marked as “do not contact”, are already in flows, or in exclusive flows. You can remove people from their current flows, whether exclusive or non-exclusive, before adding them to another flow. Any changes you make will only take effect once you click Save. 

If I add people to flows through third party integrations, are the exclusivity rules still the same?

The same rules for flow exclusivity apply to integrations with tools like LeadIQ or ZoomInfo. The API will recognize and handle flow exclusivity during the process of adding people to flows.

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