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Public email domains: exclusion list
You can choose to exclude all emails from addresses that come from public email domains. If you do, emails from the following email address domains will not be imported into Gong. Any emails that have been imported from these domains until now will be removed.
If you do, emails from the following email addresses will not be imported into Gong:
Excluded public email domains
126.com | 163.com | 21cn.com | alice.it | aliyun.com | aol.com | aol.it |
arnet.com.ar | att.net | bell.net | bellsouth.net | bk.ru | blueyonder.co.uk | bol.com.br |
bt.com | btinternet.com | charter.net | comcast.net | cox.net | daum.net | earthlink.net |
email.com | email.it | facebook.com | fastmail.fm | fibertel.com.ar | foxmail.com | free.fr |
games.com | globo.com | globomail.com | gmail.com | gmx.com | gmx.de | gmx.fr |
gmx.net | googlemail.com | hanmail.net | hotmail.be | hotmail.ca | hotmail.co.uk | hotmail.com |
hotmail.com.ar | hotmail.com.br | hotmail.com.mx | hotmail.de | hotmail.es | hotmail.fr | hotmail.it |
hush.com | hushmail.com | icloud.com | ig.com.br | iname.com | inbox.com | inbox.ru |
juno.com | keemail.me | laposte.net | lavabit.com | libero.it | list.ru | live.be |
live.co.uk | live.com | live.com.ar | live.com.mx | live.de | live.fr | live.it |
love.com | mac.com | mail.com | mail.ru | me.com | msn.com | nate.com |
naver.com | neuf.fr | ntlworld.com | oi.com.br | online.de | orange.fr | orange.net |
outlook.com | outlook.com.br | pobox.com | poste.it | prodigy.net.mx | protonmail.ch | protonmail.com |
qq.com | r7.com | rambler.ru | rocketmail.com | rogers.com | safe-mail.net | sbcglobal.net |
sfr.fr | shaw.ca | sina.cn | sina.com | sky.com | skynet.be | speedy.com.ar |
sympatico.ca | t-online.de | talktalk.co.uk | telenet.be | teletu.it | terra.com.br | tin.it |
tiscali.co.uk | tiscali.it | tuta.io | tutamail.com | tutanota.com | tutanota.de | tvcablenet.be |
uol.com.br | verizon.net | virgilio.it | virgin.net | virginmedia.com | voo.be | wanadoo.fr |
web.de | wow.com | ya.ru | yahoo.ca | yahoo.co.id | yahoo.co.in | yahoo.co.jp |
yahoo.co.kr | yahoo.co.uk | yahoo.com | yahoo.com.ar | yahoo.com.br | yahoo.com.mx | yahoo.com.ph |
yahoo.com.sg | yahoo.de | yahoo.fr | yahoo.it | yandex.by | yandex.com | yandex.com |
yandex.kz | yandex.ru | yandex.ua | yeah.net | ygm.com | ymail.com | zipmail.com.br |
zoho.com |