Change settings for a team
  • 28 Aug 2024
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Change settings for a team

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Article summary

Who’s it for: Tech admin

Where to go: Company settings > People > Team members

Save time and ensure that teams have the permissions and access they need to get their job done by updating settings for an entire team at once. This includes which seats and permission they have to data capture, recording, consent page, and more. To assign different settings for individual team members, you must configure each person’s settings separately.


  1. Click Company settings > Team members.

  2. In the team members table, hover over the name of the manager whose team you want to update, and click the team icon that appears after their name.

  3. At the top, select whether you want to change settings for individual contributors, or for the entire team. If you select individual contributors, anyone on the team who is a manager, including the team's manager, will not be included.

  4. If some of the team members are automatically provisioned, the number of automatically provisioned team members will be noted, and any changes you make to the team manually will not be applied to them.

  5. Changes you make here will be applied to all applicable members in the team you’ve selected. Below, see a list of the settings you can change. If you want to change settings for individual team members, see Add or edit a team member

  6. After making changes to the team, click Save changes.


In the Seats section, see which seats are assigned to the team.

  • On: Everyone on the team has this seat

  • Off: No one on this team has this seat

  • Mixed: Some people on the team have this seat, some don’t. The number of team members with / without this seat is noted.

From the dropdown menu, choose whether to turn on or off a specific seat type for everyone on the team.


Team members must have a Gong seat before they can have a Forecast or Engage seat. If you turn on Forecast or Engage seats for everyone on the team, the number of Gong seats will be updated accordingly. If you don’t have enough prepaid seats, you’ll be prompted to buy more seats.

Workspaces and permissions

See the team’s workspaces and corresponding permission profiles.

Home workspace: If everyone on the team has the same home workspace, see it in this field. If individual team members have different home workspaces, the field will show Mixed, and the names of team members' various home workspaces will display underneath. For more about workspaces, see About workspaces.

From the dropdown menu, you can choose a specific home workspace and set it for the entire team.

Workspaces and permission profiles: See other company workspaces, and which permission profiles team members have in each one. If individual team members have different permission profiles, the field will show Mixed, and you’ll see the names of the various permission profiles underneath. From the dropdown menu, you can choose a specific permission profile for the entire team.

Permission profiles define what a user can see and do in a specific workspace. While you can set any permission profile for any user, some permissions may not be activated unless the user has a compatible seat assignment. See About permission profiles

Data capture

See data capture settings for the team. For more about the types of data we capture, see this.

Web conferences

Record web conferences that team members organize or are invited to.

  • On: Record web conferences for everyone on the team

  • Off: Don’t record web conferences for anyone on the team

  • Never: Never record web conferences that team members attend, even if other attendees are set to be recorded

  • Mixed: Some combination of the above. The number of team members with web conference recording set to on / off / never is noted.

Web conference interviews

Record web conference interviews that team members coordinate.

  • On: Record web conference interviews that anyone on the team coordinates

  • Off: Don’t record web conference interviews that anyone on the team coordinates

  • Mixed: Some combination of the above. The number of team members with web conference interview recording set to on / off is noted.

Never record interviews team members attend: Interviews team members attend will never be recorded, even if other attendees are set to be recorded.

  • On: Never record interviews any team members attend, even if other attendees are set to be recorded

  • Off: Interviews team members attend can be recorded if other attendees are set to be recorded

  • Mixed: Some combination of the above. The number of team members with web conference interview recording set to never is noted.

Non-recorded meetings

Import team members’ non-recorded meeting details.

  • On: Import non-recorded meeting details for all team members

  • Off: Don’t import non-recorded meeting details for any team members

  • Mixed: Some combination of the above. The number of team members with non-recorded meeting detail import set to on / off is noted.

Telephony system calls

Import recorded calls made on telephony systems

  • On: Import recorded telephony calls for everyone on this team

  • Off: Don't import recorded telephony calls for anyone on this team

  • Mixed: Some combination of the above. The number of team members with telephony system call import set to on / off is noted.

Email import

Import emails sent and received by team members

  • On: Import emails sent or received by everyone on this team

  • Off: Don't import emails sent or received by any on this team

  • Never: Never import emails sent or received by anyone on this team, even if other people on the email are set to have their emails imported

  • Mixed: Some combination of the above. The number of team members with emails import set to on / off / never is noted.

Gong Connect

Team members can make recorded calls made via Gong Connect. This capability requires an Engage seat. For more about Engage, see this.

  • On: Everyone on the team can make calls with Gong Connect

  • Off: No one on the team can make calls with Gong Connect

  • Mixed: Some combination of the above. The number of team members who can make calls with Gong Connect is noted.

Recording settings

Recording and consent

See which consent profiles are set for this team. Mixed indicates team members have different consent profiles. The consent profiles are listed underneath. From the dropdown menu, choose a specific consent profile for the entire team. Read more about consent here.

Languages spoken during calls

Set the languages the team members speak, and select the default language to be used when we can’t detect the language spoken in a call. For more, see Set spoken languages

Some team members may have set their own spoken languages. If they have, you can leave their languages as is, add new languages to the ones they’ve set, or override their individual settings.

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